Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Homemade Cocktail Recipes

My brother has this odd habit. Occasionally when we're out together, he would order about 2 or 3 different cocktails. Not to guzzle up himself. He kind of passes them around to everyone to sample, going, 'Okay, what do you think of this one?' Some of what's posted on the wall of this group sounds absolutely divine. Don't forget to check out the gallery too. I just wish there was more. Explore for ideas and inspiration to some adventures in liquid intoxicants.

What's great about this group: Some creative cocktail ideas.

Update (26 October 2023)
While there are several Facebook groups for cocktail recipes, it's unsure whether this incarnation connects to any of them. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gorgeous Graveyards

The so-called festive season seems to have brought out something dark and weird in me, but it remains fascinating, therefore, I will continue. This group is dedicated to explore the inherent beauty of graveyards. Topics on the discussion board include 'Weird Experiences in Cemeteries', 'Ghosts captured in Photos', 'TIPS FOR NIGHT TIME PHOTOGRAPHY' and 'Death and Burial Customs'. One thread details the meanings of various symbols used on gravestones. There are over 1500 images in the gallery and some of them are very artistically done.

What's great about this group: I've spent the past two hours looking at the beautiful photographs, and I'm very reluctant to leave.

Update (24 October 2023)
While I can't be hundred percent certain that this is the same Facebook group, there is still a community called Gorgeous Graveyards where members (there are 1,1000 of them) share photos that capture the beautiful solitude of graveyards. Go here to visit or join. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

DMA : The Dead Malls Association

Would the saving of our planet's natural resources result from the death of consumerism? Or should we try to save these temples of greed at all costs? Or should they be left to die of disinterest once they have outlived their purpose? Members of this group believe that dead malls should be preserved. There are just over a 100 images in the gallery, and two past events to visit and re-invigorate a selected mall. Perhaps we should care a little. For Christmas, hug your nearest dying mall. Show it some love.

What's great about this group: We are what we consume...

Update (24 October 2023)
This Facebook Group no longer exists, but there is a Facebook page for Dead Malls, which you can find here. The page has 13,000 followers. 

Monday, November 29, 2010


With the focus slowly shifting towards the food and indulgence of the festive season, this group might be just the space to explore for ideas. Threads on the discussion board include 'Pasta Recipes', 'Beef and Fish Recipes', 'Quick & simple recipes', 'Chicken Recipes' and 'Wanted :: Any Asparagus Recipes and/or Cooking Tips...?' to name a few. There are plenty of links to other online food resources in wall posts and close to 300 mouth-watering images in the gallery.

What's great about this group: Celebrate the art of cooking.

Update (26 October 2023)
As can be expected, there are now numerous Facebook groups for sharing recipes. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fans of Charles de Lint!

I visited this group for personal reasons - I am a fan of Charles de Lint's writing - but decided to also include it in this blog. Threads on the discussion board include 'Favourite Book?', 'Newford as a TV series...', 'Favorite Character(s)', 'Favourite short story?', 'Other authors' and 'What was the first CDL book you ever read?' In the gallery, you will find mostly images of book covers, a few photos of Charles de Lint and a little fan art. What's truly interesting, is that you will find  several posts from Charles de Lint's wife on the wall and in the discussion section, including an invitation (with link) to the author's personal Facebook page and an invitation to his annual yard sale.

What's great about this group: An example of what's (still) good about the internet in general and Facebook in particular.

Update (26 October 2023)
I could not find the Facebook group, Fans of Charles de Lint. However, I do know that there is a really awesome community centered around the magic of Charles de Lint's stories and fantasy and folklore in general entitled Mythic Cafe with Charles de Lint & Company. Since it is a private group, you can request access here. Additionally, there is a smaller Facebook group focused on Mapping Charles de Lint's Newford, (which is, of course, the fictional setting of many of his books). This group is also private and access can be requested here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Aspiring Novelists

With NaNoRiMo (the initiative to write a novel in a month) having just kicked off, here's a group to explore for some support and encouragement. Threads on the discussion board include 'How many words in a novel?', 'What Genre Do You Write In??', 'Books on Writing', 'Titles? How do you decide?', 'Fitting Names for Supernatural/Paranormal Characters', 'Help with story idea' and 'Editing Help needed' to name a few. More feedback continues on the wall. Just beware that you don't get so caught up that your writing falls behind.

What's great about this group: Share the ups and downs of novel writing with people who understand.

Update (26 October 2023)
This Facebook group still exists and has approximately 9,000 members. Go here to visit or join.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Steampunk Fashion

The advent of steampunk literature quickly gave rise to a related style explosion involving a reinvention of the past, with plenty of creative new twists and turns. The information section gives a detailed definition regarding the origins and meaning of steampunk subculture. On the wall, you will find links to steampunk conventions, steampunk balls, items for sale and even on casting call for steampunks to appear as extras on an episode of 'Castle'. Threads on the discussion board include 'What is Steampunk Fashion to you?', 'A great site for clothing', 'making your own clothes...' and 'If you had a Steampunk wedding, what would it look like?'. There are over 300 images in the gallery.

What's great about this group: Connect with other enthusiasts of steampunk culture.

Update (28 October 2023)
The good news is that there is still a Facebook group for steampunk fashion and their content is gorgeous and intriguing. The group has about 15,800 members. Go here to visit or join. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

We Love Horror Movies

With Halloween coming up, time is ripe to explore a great resource for horror movies. Threads on the discussion board include 'The Worst Horror Movies Ever', 'Who is your favorite villian or slasher in the last 10 years?', 'Urban Legends Do You Believe?', 'The Future of American Horror', 'NAME YOUR FAVOURITE HORROR MOVIE TAGLINE', 'stupidest scene youve ever seen in a horror film', 'Top 10 based on true story horrors', 'WHAT'S THE GREATEST DEATH SCENE IN HORROR MOVIES', 'name your favourite horror movie quote', 'Favorite Horror Actors/Actresses' and many more. Also check out the various topics that share trivia from the making of certain horror classics as well as regular updates in the field of horror. There are over 1000 links in wall posts and almost 1500 images in the gallery

What's great about this group: It really aspires to inform on the subject of horror movies.

Update (28 October 2023)
There is a Facebook group called We Love Horror Movies, which has about 49,800 members. It is unlikely to be the one profiled here, though, because the group was only created in 2014. It is a private community, but you can go here to request access. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010


If you like eye candy, which I do, feast your eyes on thousands of images showing people with beautiful and amazing hair. There are over 4000 pictures in the gallery. Some photos show absolutely unique dye effects or creative braiding and other artful manipulations. My only complaint is, why so conservative on the male side? Where are all those beautiful Goth & Emo boys (not to mention the metal heads) with their wonderful hair? Okay, I did find a few eventually, but women's styles dominate.There are also over 100 links to hair related resources on the internet.

What's great about this group: Explore the many possibilities of what you can do with your hair.

Update (28 October 2023)
I could not conclusively link this Facebook group to any of those currently focused on hair design.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wild Food

With budgets getting tighter and tigher, the option of exploring nature's bounty might be worth a mention. This group, which is UK-based, informs on what is available when for foraging. Threads on the discussion board include 'spruce beer', 'Birch sap Wine', 'October Foraging 2009', 'Sweet Chestnut', 'April Foraging 2010' and more. There are links to video resources and photos in the gallery depicting edible plants.

What's great about this group: Get in tune with nature.

Update (28 October 2023)
While I'm not sure that the Facebook group I discovered is conclusively linked to the group I profiled 13 years ago, they do post content on foraging. There are 13,900 members. Go here to visit or join. 

Monday, October 18, 2010


As a reader and writer of fantasy fiction, I have always been interested in swords. If you share my sentiments, this group is worth checking out. Threads on the discussion board include 'Sword quotes', 'Swords Vs. Zombies', 'Authenticity of Swords', 'damascus vs carbon steel', 'Swords or Guns for war?' and 'swords for sell'. On the wall you will find links to other internet resources, posts of sword related activities and more. There are almost 200 images in the gallery, of Japanese katanas, Persian sabres, a Scottish claymore, scimitars, cutlasses and many more.

What's great about this group: share a love for swords

Update (28 October 2023)
There are several Facebook groups dedicated to sword collection, but the oldest of these is from 2013. All are private groups. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quilt Guild

Aren't I a strange child? In my neck of the woods (the southern hemisphere) , the days are getting warmer and I want to look at quilts? So I did. There are over 1200 images in the gallery of quilts, some of them very colorful and highly creative.  Plenty of action on the discussion board too. There is more activity on the discussion board. Threads include 'Block swap anyone?', 'Quilting Magazines & Blogs', 'New Quilt Designs', 'Calendar Quilt', 'Quilt Retreat Ideas needed', 'Block of the Month', 'Tshirt quilts?' and many, many more.There are 95 links to check out - some spam, but other's leading to further internet resources. Enjoy!

What's great about this group: If quilting is your passion, this group would make a wonderful resource for tips and ideas.

Update (26 October 2023)
While I could not find an updated link for this group, there are numerous quilting Facebook groups, many of them with regional affiliations. 

Friday, October 8, 2010


Everything that has already happened, any time from about five minutes ago, is history, but only time will tell what reaches the archives. Threads on the discussion board include 'Favorite era in history', 'history mystery', 'History women - Most memorable ?', 'a good book', 'Favorite Founding Father?', 'Lost Roanoke colony' and '96 years ago today'. If you'd rather see history than read about it, there are some great recommendations in 'Top 5 History Movies'. There are lots of links to other internet resources in wall posts. The gallery has less than 100 images, but there are some fascinating ones, including school pictures of Barack Obama and stills from a 1935 film, called 'Sanders of the River' in which a penniless Jomo Kenyatta acted decades before he was to become first prime minister and later president of an independent Kenya.

What's great about this group: Explore the non-boring side of history.

Update (28 October 2023)
While there are numerous awesome history groups, I could not conclusively link any of them to the Facebook group profiled here. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Best Bands/Artists You've Never Heard Of

Here's another group to check out if you are on an odyssey of musical discovery. There are over 250 bands listed in the information section of the group and plenty more are mentioned in wall posts.Most often only band names are given, but in a few cases, links to youtube videos or myspace pages are shared as well. There are also over 300 images in the gallery. Threads on the discussion board include 'How do you find your bands?', 'The Most Unknown bands of All time', 'SONGS THAT MUST BE LISTENED TO' and 'Band Name Game'.

What's great about this group: Explore new musical territory.

Update (28 October 2023) 
This group does not seem to exist on Facebook anymore. Which is such a pity. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Female Voices of Metal

While heavy metal may seem at first glance a predominantly male genre, there are a significant number of women who do thrive as metal vocalists and the mission of this group is to introduce and showcase as many of them as possible. The information section lists a large number of female fronted metal groups by subgenre. There are 72 links to videos and over 600 images in the gallery. Threads on the discussion board include 'Epica', 'Do you know any Russians music bands??', 'Domina Noctis', 'Girls with harsh vocals', 'How did you first get hooked?', 'Metal Female Voices Festival 2007' and more.

What's great about this group: Find out more about women active in heavy metal music.

Update (24 October 2023) 
This group is still active but has opted to become a private group. It has 9,200 members. Go here to request access. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Joshua A. Norton for Emperor

For those not familiar with the story, Joshua Abraham Norton, failed 19th century businessman and resident of San Francisco became legend by declaring himself emperor of the United States of America in 1859 and dissolved Congress. According to some reports, as many as 30,000 people paid their respects on the day of his burial. There aren't that many threads on the discussion board, but 'Reasons to admire Emperor Norton', 'Beer and Blasphemy' and 'Emperor Norton was frozen!' count among the topics included. The wall posts feature more, including a link 'his' blog. There are photos and cartoons of the esteemed Emperor in the gallery as well as an image of his tombstone.Several other groups exist to honor his memory, but this is the largest and most active.

What's great about this group: Celebrate the life and memory of a popular historical eccentric.

Update (24 October 2023)
This Facebook Group no longer exists. There is a Facebook Account with the name Joshua A Norton and a Facebook Page entitled The Emperor Norton Trust, which is linked to a website with the same name. The page has 1,800 followers and can be found here

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dance World Connect

If dancing is your passion, you will love the opportunities this group offers. Threads on the discussion board include 'Ballet schools', 'How old is too old?', 'Ways to Trick Children into Learning Ballet Technique', 'college dance programs', 'Cheating for beautiful feet??' and many more. In the gallery you will find images of dancers rehearsing, dancers performing, photo-shoots involving dancers and even promotional material. On the wall you will find over 100 links to other internet resources, notices of festivals and workshops and even a request for participation in a survey.

What's great about this group: it's a great networking forum for dancers.

Update (24 October 2023)
This Facebook Group still functions as a networking platform for all things dance. Current posts include content such as requests for dance partners, calls for dancers for events, productions, festivals, etc, postings for dance groups looking for new members and even appeals for advice on technical issues related to dance. It seems to have survived intact and remains and awesome group. There are 11,300 members. Go here to visit or join. 

Wild Moments

Anyone who's visited this blog before, must know that I love looking at beautiful photographs. Here is yet another group that showcases what nature has to offer in wild places and wild life. See images of beautiful sunsets, unusual light effects, birds, flowers, insects... There are also links to the individual websites of various contributing photographers.

What's great about this group: witness the beauty of nature.

Update (28 October 2023)
There is a Facebook account for Wild Moments photography, a Facebook page called Wild Moments (which seems unrelated to the FB account, because they are on different continents), as well as a Facebook group called Wild & Free Moments. 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Route 66

Immortalized in a song, Route 66 is world famous as one of the original highways of the USA. If you are planning a trip across its 2,451 miles of tarmac, or just want to share a little of the experience from the comfort of your own home, visit the magic of this group. Threads on the discussion board include 'Favorite Places on the Mother Road…Historic U.S. Route 66', 'Bike rental', 'What to take with you…', 'Where are the best places to stop on Route 66???', and 'Places to Avoid (Single Female Traveling Alone)'. There are over 600 images in the gallery, including photos of the Cadillac Ranch, Midpoint Cafe in Adrian, Texas, The Round Barn in Arcadia, Oklahoma and the Route 66 Museum. Visit the wall, if you are looking for a travelling partner, some advice or just want to share your own experiences.

What's great about this group: Share the magic of Route 66.

Update (28 October 2023)
This Facebook group still exists. It has 6.3k members, but is now private. Go here to request access.

The Labyrinth Society on Facebook

Labyrinths are mysterious and irresistible. Some claim they have hidden meanings and purposes, but they can be admired just for their intricate beauty. The group has less than 400 members. There are two threads on the discussion board, 'masked labyrinth walk' and 'World Labyrinth Day results'. The gallery features 38 labyrinth related images (when i visited). The wall is where you will find the most activity, with posts about labyrinth related activities and links to resources. There is even a post from someone who solicited help to construct a labyrinth in Farmville, with an accompanying image. There are various links to other labyrinth related resources.

What's great about this group: it embodies what's great about the internet in general - creating a common area for people who share a minority interest.

Update (28 October 2023)
There is a Labyrinth Society Facebook page (which can be found here), as well as The Labyrinth Society Global Group, a Facebook group with 18,000 members. Go here to visit or join the latter. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Man, The Legend, FEATHER HAT

I love groups that take to places and people I might never have known, in this case, Windsor, Ontario to meet the famous Feather Man. There are three topics on thediscussion board, 'His story was in a local magazine a few years back..', 'Rons left hand' and ' Downtown McDonalds', while the gallery shows a couple of photos of Ron the Feather Man(some a little blurry) and even a mural that features his distintinctive image as centerpiece. The group wall is a wealth of additional information and anecdotes about sightings and encounters. There are a few posts from members claiming kinship to him. Other points of speculation are the identity of his girlfriend and the exact nature of their relationship and, of course, the meaning behind all those feathers in his hat. Two posts even suggest powers of teleportation. True, there are a few detractors, but, to quote one wall post, 'we all do things others think are strange, we all carry our own 'feathers'...'

What's great about this group: Well, Ron, really, he will intrigue you.

Update (28 October 2023)
Feather Hat Man, a.k.a Ron LaDouceur, passed away a little more than two months ago on 5 August 2023, at the age of 75. You can read his obituary here. Toy collectors may also be interested to know that he got his own action figure as tribute to his legend, before he passed. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Best Horse Pics

Oh yes, I love groups with pictures in them and I love looking at horses. Well over a thousand images in the gallery. From medieval jousting scenes to Arabs in the desert to stately Frisians and mares and foals. There isn't much happening on the discussion board, but you can share your views on 'What breed or breeds are in your barn?', 'Who is the better racehorse?' and 'Who's your fav celebrity horse? There are links to over 50 video clips and also other internet resources.

What's great about this group: celebrate the beauty of horses.

Update (28 October 2023)
This Facebook group does not seem to exist anymore. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


What the group name does NOT tell you is that all 29 of the unusual buildings featured in its gallery, are situated in Nigeria. Quite a surprise, to see such adventurous exploration of structures on the continent of Africa. Visit the group and see a totally different facade of this third world country.

What's great about this group: It showcases architectural triumphs of Nigeria.

Update (28 October 2023)
This Facebook group does not seem to exist anymore. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mystery Photo Game

The game is very simply. Every day an extreme close-up of an image is posted. Members are invited to guess what it is and on the next day, the answer is supplied. Challenge yourself and see whether you can guess what the featured close-up really is.

What's great about this group: A daily visual brain-teaser.

Update (28 October 2023)
This Facebook group does not seem to exist anymore. 

Friday, May 28, 2010


Yeah, its spring in time in the northern hemisphere, and although I'm shivering south of the equator, I can always look at pictures and pretend. There are over 700 images of flowers - a true feast of colors - in the gallery. You will also find plenty of links to other flower-related resources on the internet.

What's great about this group: celebrate the budding of new life.

Update (28 October 2023)
There is a Facebook group called Flowers, which can be found here. I'm not sure if it's the same one. 

Monday, May 24, 2010

Food Fusion

This group - another small one as far as membership goes - will provide inspiration to anyone who wants to get away from the idea that food preparation is boring. The idea is to get creative and mix up cuisine styles from different ethnic origins. Threads on the discussion board include 'Two ways to Make Pork Milanese: Asian meets European', 'Recipes from the Yahoo! Fusion Cooking Club', 'Middle East meets West', 'Quick 10 minute Seafood Stir Fry', 'Easy Vegetarian Dish' and 'Hawaiian Asian Grill Feast', to name but a few. Also check out the gallery for all the yummy pictures.

What's great about this group: it's enough to whet anyone's appetite.

Update (28 October 2023)
There is still a Facebook group called Food Fusion, but since it was only created in 2017, it is unlikely to be the Facebook group featured here. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Abnormal Cars

This group has more photographs than members. It speaks virtually no English and there are no discussions, but if unusual muscle cars are your thing, you'll get a rush looking at all the unusual specimens in the gallery. Enjoy.

What's great about this group: enjoy the pictures.

Update (28 October 2023)
This group does not seem to exist anymore.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Will the self-sufficiency of artificial intelligences spell the salvation or damnation of mankind? Members of this group - and it is a fairly small group - discuss the possibilities raised by Ray Kurzweil's book 'The Singularity is Near. Threads on the discussion board include 'Foundations of the Singularity', 'Corporations chasing profits could slow the singularity.', 'Scanning/storing brains', 'Free = Singularity?' and '3D Internet a reflection of real Universe'. Check it out, if you can't resist thought experiments.

What's great about this group: share theories about the future dominance of machines.

Update (29 October 2023)
There is a private Facebook group, Singularity Network, which has 26,300 members. It was founded in October 2010, which means it's not the group profiled in this post. You can request access here

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Garden Gnome Liberation Front

Have you heard about the case of the disappearing garden gnome? The activities of the Garden Gnome Liberation Front is yet another phenomenon birth by the cyber-era. Through a website and the Facebook group, those who sympathize with the plight of garden gnomes mobilize to liberate their friends. Threads on the discussion board include 'Gnome Sanctuary', 'What can I do to help?', 'does anyone know the total world population of garden gnomes is?' and 'Where will freed gnomes be safe?' In the gallery you can spot some liberated gnomes living it up in all sorts of exotic locations.

What's great about this group: It introduces the practice of 'gnoming'.

Update (24 October 2023)
There is still a Facebook Group for the Garden Gnome Liberation Front and it has 3,000 members. Additionally, I also discovered a Facebook Page for the Garden Gnome Liberation Front, with  1,300 followers. Neither community is particularly active, but it's good to know they are still around. Go here to visit or join the Facebook Group and here to like the page. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


If you love watching things with wings, then check this out. Threads on the discussion board include 'Favorite Birds!', 'BIRD ID', 'What type of bird is this?', 'Feeding Birds - Advice please!!!', 'weird things birds do' and 'A great website for all things bird!' There are almost 3000 images of birds in the gallery, including such rarities as an albino peacock and red flamingos. There are also links to bird related videos.

What's great about this group: it allows you to indulge in plenty of indoor bird-watching.

Update (16 April 2024)
There are plenty of groups dedicated to birds or bird watching. Many are regional. Several are called Birds. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Support Julian Beever.3D sidewalk drawing. Just awesome!

Meet Julian Beever, a gifted artist who can turn drab sidewalks into feasts of fantasy that twist and warp your perceptions in directions you never thought they'd go. In many of the photographs featured in the gallery it is difficult to tell what is real and what is not - and therein lies the challenge.

What's great about this group: enjoy the pictures

This Group does not seem to exist anymore. There are a few old video clips on Facebook of Julian Beever's street art.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dungeons and Dragons

It would be easy to assume that online virtual games killed off older versions of role-playing games, but nothing could be further from the truth. There are still people out there who play Dungeons and Dragons the old-fashioned way with dice and figures, although they do download their gaming manuals off the internet and share strategy tips and experiences in forums such as this group. Threads on the discussion board include 'What's your favorite player mistake?', 'Best Ranged Weapon', 'What's your most powerful D&D character?', 'Current or Memorable characters.', 'What edition do you play?', 'in creating a campaign setting..', and 'The Best enemy'. There are also plenty of posts from members looking to join up with players in their area.

What's great about this group: It's a place for D&D enthusiasts to share their thoughts.

Update (16 April 2024)
There are many groups dedicated to Dungeons and Dragons, some regional, some international and it would be impossible to work out if this one is still active.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

real vampires (vampirism)

This group has intrigued me for a long time. I am a member (although strickly a non-posting lurker) and with all the excitement about fictional vampires and vampire chic since the advent of Twilight, I feel these guys deserve a mention. Don't mention Twilight to them, though. Few of them are fans. In threads such as 'OMG MOre Twilight crap.' and 'PHEW TWILIGHTS DYING OUT BUT NOW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!' The members of this group (or at least some of them) consider themselves to be real vampires, and subdivide themselves into sanguinariuns (consumers of good old-fashioned blood), psiconic vampires (consumers of energy) or hybrids (a combination of the two). At least some of them, consider themselves to be something other than human. Threads on the discussion board include 'HALLOWEEN MEET-UP 2010', 'head count...', 'is being a vampire a curse or a privilage to you?', 'the other me.', 'diabolical plans...', 'Non US-people in group?', 'blood dreams', 'Hereditary vampirism' and many more.

What's great about this group: Take a glimpse into one corner of counter-culture.

Update (25 October 2023)
This group still exists, but it is now private. Go here to request access. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm in one of my looking-at-pretty-pictures moods again and this group has plenty of them. Over a thousand strangely exotic butterflies - not to mention a few caterpillars in between - are featured in images in the gallery. In case you wanted to know more about the anatomy of butterflies, read the information section.

What's great about this group: see butterflies from around the world.

Update (16 April 2024)
There are numerous groups dedicated to butterflies in some way. I will probably feature one of the good ones in a future post, 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time Travel

Time is relative and should always be seen as a gift. When the muse speaks and we are functioning at our creative peak, it feels as if its flying faster than the speed of light. When we are waiting for something, it sometimes feels like forever. The solution? When the hours are slowing down, just take out a notebook and start sketching or writing or creating some music and dwell in eternity. Or alternatively, put your mind in a real twist by reflecting on the possibility or impossibility of time travel. Threads on the discussion board include 'Evidence of Time Travel has been Found', 'If time travel was possible, where (when) would you go?', 'Time Doesn't Exist', 'Is time travel really possible?', 'What exactly is Time?', 'Where are the time travelers?', 'TV SERIES' and 'let's share with us movies about time travel...'

What's great about this group: let your imagination go wild with possibilities.

Update (16 April 2024)
There are numerous time travel groups. The largest public one called Time Travel can be found here

Thursday, April 15, 2010


How good are you at stereotyping people? The main action of this group is to check out the gallery, pick an image and see if you could guess the nationality of its subject. Or alternatively, to upload your own photo and see if anyone can guess what you are. There aren't many threads on the discussion board, but topics covered include 'What Country or Countries Produce the Sexiest People?', 'guess da nationality of da person above ya ^' and 'Blonde Or Brunettes'.

What's great about this group: Lots of people-watching.

Update (16 April 2024)
I think this might be a private group now.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Anime Lovers

Check this group out, if anime is your thing. The information section provides a fairly long list of recommended anime shows. Threads on the discussion board include 'who is your favorite anime character?', 'Is Anime the only thing you think about???', 'What are some good, free anime sites online?', 'Whats Your Top Ten Favorite Anime?' and 'the worst anime that u ever watched (top 10)'. There are 75 links to video clips as well as links to other resources. There are over 800 images in the gallery, much of it, fan art.

What's great about this group: share your appreciation for anime here.

Update (26 October 2023)
There are several groups called either Anime Lover or Anime Lovers. It's difficult to see whether any of them are linked to the one profiled here. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

Zazzle Artists 'n Shoppers!!

Zazzle is a website that offers anybody the opportunity to create individualized products and sell them, thereby earning a royalty on sold goods. It has been around for over a decade and through this group, zazzle artists can promote their own work. Threads on the discussion board include 'Shameless self promotion', the thread where members can leave links to their own galleries, 'Our Group Discussion Thread.... for queries, questions, general discussions..', 'FaceBook Fan Pages', 'An interview by peers!' and 'Exceptional Initiatives 'n Pursuits by Zazzlers!'

What's great about this group: it offers zazzle enthusiasts the opportunity to network.

Update (16 April 2024)
The group still exists and can be found here.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

SUPPORT OUR TRUCKERS(remember..we got it..they brought it)

Today we are going heavy in the most literal sense possible - trucks and truck-drivers. Threads on the discussion board include 'What's your handle?', 'What is your favourite Mack model of all time?', 'WHO DO YOU WORK FOR????', 'Trucker Songs', 'A speech by my 11 year old daughter.....Life of A Trucker (her daddy)', 'truck stops...', 'What features would you like to see added to a flat bed trailer???', 'TRUCKERS LINGO', 'Trucker's Wives........God Bless you all' and 'female truckers'. There are over 3,000 images of trucks in the gallery, of which several feature wrecked trucks. There are also links to video clips and other truck-related news items.

What's great about this group: support truckers.

(Link removed)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You know you're a zookeeper when

Welcome to the secret lives of zookeepers. Well, I haven't really done an occupational-hazards group for a while and this one is loads of fun. You can check out the information section to find out just what to expect from this unusual profession. (Perhaps career counselors should start recommending Facebook Groups as additional reading.) Threads on the discussion board include 'Where do you work? What species do you work with?', 'What's the funniest/coolest thing one of your animals has ever done?', 'Things That the Public Throw into the Pens' and 'The Brilliant Public'. There are over 300 zoo images in the gallery.

What's great about this group: it introduces the ups and downs of a zookeeper's day.

Update (24 October 2024)
This Facebook Group still exists, but has opted to go private. It has 20,700 members and still seems fairly active. Go here to request access. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bring Romanticism Back!

Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that several lifetimes ago, during one of my ill-fated exploits at art school we did this art theory course on romanticism. Maybe it was reading down the list of Romantic era artists and realizing what a debt we owe them all for the unusual worlds they gifted us through their prose, art, music and poetry. Maybe I just liked that bit in the information section that said 'location: the imagination'. Speaking of which, the information section lists the greats of Romanticism, which includes Lord Byron, P.B. & Mary Shelley, Beethoven, Wordsworth, Goethe, Chopin, Liszt, William Blake and Emily Bronte. Some threads on the discussion board are 'Your Favourite Quote', 'Gothic novels', 'Favorite Romantics', 'Why did Romantisim die?', 'Love vs. Lust' and 'Drug addiction in romantic literature'. Recapture the visual impact of Romanticism by visiting the gallery. Wall posts feature links to videos and other internet resources.

What's great about this group: revisit an important artistic movement.

Update (16 April 2024)
I think this group can now be found here.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Kempton Park Hospital ~ A Haunting Story

What happens to a collection of bricks and mortar once it ceases to fulfill its purpose, and begins the slow slide into obscurity? This group devotes itself to the legends surrounding a derelict South African hospital that closed down a little over thirteen years ago. Threads on the discussion board include 'Kempton Hospital Born's', 'The last ever patient?', 'who's the little girl and who's the man that jumped...cuz we saw them', 'GHOSTS' and 'Who knows people that worked there?', to name but a few. The topic 'unqualified doctor' concerns the fake Dr Andre Esterhuisen that once wandered its corridors. Although the premises are guarded at state expense, various group members boast of having made illicit nightly expeditions there and some others post their intentions in wall posts. Some photographic evidence of these trips have made its way to the gallery.

What's great about this group: It gives an intriguing glimpse into the past and legend surrounding an institution.

Update (16 April 2024)
There is a private group Kempton Park Hospital ghosthunt (founded June 2009) which most like is the same group. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

World Wildlife Fund

This is the facebook group to promote the activities and concerns of the World Wildlife Fund. The info section gives the basic facts about the organization's history. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'Adopting an animal', 'Fuel Efficiency is NOT the Answer', 'Snatching Baby Elephants from Their Mothers Spark Controversy in Sri Lanka', 'Ecotourism -hope and reality' and '8-year-old boy writes book in order to raise money for endangered animals'. On the wall, you will find links to specific causes, links to other wildlife related groups and interests.Images of feline predators such as lions, tigers and leopards predominate in the gallery, but check out the unusual picture of the parachuted llama.

What's great about this group: Wildlife matters.

Update (17 April 2024)
There are numerous small groups with barely any activity called World Wildlife Group. I am wondering whether it might be this group, which goes back to 2007. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Egyptian Royalty

One of the truly great things about the internet, is how it brings people who share a common interest together. This group is dedicated to the dynasty that ruled Egypt from 1805 to 1952. The information section lists its eleven rulers starting with Muhammad Ali through to the infant King Ahmad Fouad II (son of King Farouk), who was very briefly named king after his father's abdication. There are well over 1,500 images in the gallery, although many are duplicated. There are also links to video clips, ranging from footage from olden days to more recent interviews with surviving members of the royal family. Threads on the discussion board include 'a visit to princess fawzia in semouha in Alexandria...the king's sister', 'interview with last king of egypt', 'Princess Fawzia' birthday' and 'Could it be possible to bring back the monarchy system,do you think it would do some good to this country?Yes or No&why?'

What's great about this group: It shares a recent chapter of Egypt's history.

Ypdate (11 April 2024) - There seems to be no Facebook group with this name anymore. There are several other groups dedicated to various aspects of Egyptian history.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Long hair!

Calling all would-be Rapunzels and their princes. Check out some of the extreme hair growers on Facebook, both male and female. There is not much action on the discussion board, but threads include 'Who can sit on their hair? I nearly can!!!!!', 'views on hair length', 'Can anyone guide me wat to do or use for hair growth?' and 'How long?' The highlight is, of course, the gallery, with over 100 pictures of the crowning glory of group members.

What's great about this group: If long hair is your thing, enjoy.

Update (17 April 2024)
While there are numerous groups dedicated to long hair, it's impossible to tell which has connections to this group.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Freedom. As far as concepts go, you cannot get much bigger than that. Whether you define freedom in political or personal terms, it means something to everyone. Threads on the discussion board include 'According To You .. wHAT iS fREEDOM ???', 'Let's get started to Fight For Freedom and Save the people of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', 'Free SEX, what do you think about it?', '155 Ideas To Freedom' and '"We are far more free than we allow ourselves to be."' In the gallery, you will find various images that portray freedom or illustrate lack thereof.

What's great about this group: To greater or lesser degree, most of us strive towards what we define as freedom.

Update (18 April 2024)
This could be one of several groups, that are mostly inactive.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy

Who is the Jack Handy of this group? Does he exist? Even his website does not quite answer the question, but do check out his group out for dark humor and twisted logic that makes sense in a weird sort of way. Threads on the discussion board include 'Here are some originals I came up with, feedback is welcomed......', 'Your Favorite Deep Thoughts', 'His Name is Jack "Handey"' and 'Non-Deep thought Jack Handy related humor'.

What's great about this group: The off-beat quotes.

Update (29 October 2023)
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey is now a Facebook page with 13,000 followers and can be found here. The current (private) Facebook group And now, Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey is too recent (2021) an invention to be linked to the group profiled here. 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die

It's been a while since I've featured a reading related group. Having painstakingly gone through the list, I've decided I am not going to own up to how little of its contents I have actually read in the good old-fashioned book form. What I can say, is that I did not regret reading a single one of those, so if that is anything to go by, the list definitely has merit. A few writers seem over-represented. Threads on the discussion board include 'Which one are you reading right now?', 'books that affected you deeply but aren't in the lise', 'How many have you read so far?' and 'Is your favorite book missing from this list?' There are also several links to sites that offer free e-books.

What's great about this group: It inspires you to expand your reading horizons.

Update (29 October 2023)
There is a Facebook page with the same name, which has 1,200 followers and can be found here. Also check out the page 1001 African Books to Read before you die. 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

James Randi Educational Foundation

Looking back, I have often tackled groups with the esoteric or the metaphysical as an underlying theme, so, today, just to be impartial, I have decided to give the grand daddy of all sceptics an airing. James Randi has been around for a long time and as a former stage magician, is well equipped to debunk and expose paranormal charlatans. Is he just a voice of reason or has he himself become a zealot opposed to anything out of the ordinary? That is not at issue. Psychic phenomena should be investigated and frauds should be exposed. Threads on the discussion board include 'Intelligence vs. Stubborn insistance', 'The Mask of Nostradamus', 'Debunking NLP', 'Ghosts', 'The Problem With Atheism' and 'Is Science Philosophy?' In a particularly interesting thread, posters speculate whether it is appropriate to pray for Robert Lancaster, an agnostic and a leading critic of the psychic Sylvia Browne.

What's great about this group: The group aspires to being rational about the irrational.

Update ( 24 October 2023)
Following the death of James Randi in 2020, the group seems mainly focused around the person and legacy of James Randi and his work in the pursuit of scientific scepticism. Currently, the group has 66,000 members. The updated link is here, if you want to visit or join.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Waterfall Survivors

Normally I try to avoid groups that are tied to a specific geographic location, but when I happened to discover 'Waterfall Survivors', they seemed like a great exception to make to my general rule. The group, which has over 4,000 members, connects waterfall enthusiasts in Malaysia. Seemingly well-organized, they offer a number of events per month. There are over 1500 images in the gallery, mostly chronicling group events, but also a few beautiful nature shots. Threads on the discussion board include 'Beware the bugs' which gives specific advice about various creepy crawlies, 'Your Testimonial about your experience with Waterfall Survivors', 'Day trip charges', 'Tips when organizing/following trips to waterfall' and 'How shall we do it that more people can join in for the trips and make it adventurous and fun??' Included in fees for activities is one day insurance coverage for the event. Investigate the group, if you are looking for adventure in Malaysia or if you want hints on how to start up something similar in your region.

What's great about this group: They seem to form a fun community.

Update (25 October 2023)
This community does not seem to have a presence on Facebook anymore, but they still have a blogspot website, which can be found here

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Many people have had the experience of perceiving something beyond the five senses at least once in their lives. Some are regularly assaulted by impressions, predictions and hunches. A rare few manage to tame and master such abilities to the greater benefit of those around them. This group forms a kind of platform for information sharing among those who believe themselves to possess psychic abilities. Interestingly, at least one member has the habit to regularly jump in with free readings on questions other members has wrestled with. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'Are demons real?', 'Ask a psychic/medium', 'Do We Choose, Where We Go, After Death?', 'Children And Predictions', 'Orbs', 'Mystical Travelers' and 'free readings done here'.

What's great about this group: It lets psychics connect... with each other.

Update (18 April 2024)
There are numerous psychic themed groups, but this one doesn't seem to exist anymore. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Victorian fairies

Someone once said that the Victorian era invented childhood. No surprise then, that the era was characterized by an explosion of fairy pictures from a variety of artists. In this group, you can feast your eyes on the creative output of illustrators such as Arthur Rackham, Warwick Goble, Richard Doyle and artists such as Henry Meynell Rheam, Joseph Noel Paton, John Anster Fitzgerald and the unfortunate Richard Dadd, who produced most of his art while in jail. Also included are Polish Witold Pruszkowski, Spanish Luis Ricardo Falero, Austrian Zatzka and even a non-Victorian Sulamith Wulfing. On the wall, you will find links to other fairy art fan pages.

What's great about this group: Admire art from a specific period and genre.

Update (25 October 2023)
This group does not seem to exist anymore. 

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snakes as pets

As exotic pets, snakes can be fascinating, but also a daunting undertaking. If you want to talk to the enthusiasts, this group is definitely well worth a visit. There are not that many threads on the discussion board, but two 'Ball Python Care Sheet' and 'Snake Care FAQs' are highly informative on what caring for a snake actually involves. More about unusual quirks of snakes and just who has what, can be found on the wall. In the gallery, you will find more than a hundred images of snakes such as rainbow boas, West African Gaboon Adders, red tailed rat snakes and pinstripe morph ball pythons. Don't be fooled by the fact that some of them have such homey names as 'Mum', 'Dad' and 'Kate'.

What's great about this group: It will probably answer a lot of the questions you've had about keeping snakes as pets.

Update (29 October 2023)
The group Snakes as Pets Support Group is tiny (less than 50 members), but public. I'm not sure if it is the same group. To visit or join, go here

Thursday, February 25, 2010

If you remember this you grew up in the 1890's

Every once in a while, I stumble upon a group that's a true winner. This one has an authentic and original theme, to which members are true, with great ingenuity and lots of fun seem to be had by all. In the information section, you can study some details of what life was truly like in the period. The discussion board includes threads such as 'Did you attend the fair?' (meaning the Worlds' Fair in Chicago in 1893, in case you've forgotten) 'Most humorous trend?', 'Most Memorable Moments?', 'The New Adventures of Queen Victoria', 'The Consumptive Look', 'Where were you when McKinley was shot?' and 'Music memories from 1890's'. In the gallery you will find images from products of the period as well as plenty of authentic black and white photographs from the period. The wall posts are lots of fun, too.

What's great about this group: Its authentic atmosphere.

Update (18 April 2024)
There are two older groups with this name. The larger (123 members) one can be found here. Although it is no longer active, there is some really interesting content which is still available from its heyday. The smaller (36 members) and possibly older (going back to 2007) group can be found here

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Underwater Photography

I love discovering groups that open up new worlds to me. Especially if they are worlds I might never get to visit in real life and are filled with breath-taking beauty. This group explores the deep - the realm of exotic creatures such as batfish, scorpion fish, clown triggerfish, freckled hawkfish, red sea raccoon butterfly fish and blue ribbon eel, to name but a few. Although the group has only
a few hundred members, it features many unusual images. There are also links to video clips and other internet resources featuring underwater photography.

What's great about this group: take a dive into unknown splendor.

Update (18 April 2024)
There is a really large (241.1k members) Underwater Photography group. It's likely not the same group as this, since the name is entirely capitalized, but I will leave the link here. I may possibly feature them in a future post as well. 

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Do you buy and/or sell on eBay? Then you might want to check this group out. Threads on the discussion board include 'EBay Income Possibilities', 'Untrusted Buyers', 'Misleading Sellers', 'To all the ladies that sell on eBay.....', 'not being able to leave true feedback as a seller' and 'Powerseller tips and tricks to boost your ebay sales'. There are images of items for sale in the gallery and plenty of links to e-bay products and other e-commerce sites.

What's great about this group: Learn more about eBay before getting your feet wet.

Update (18 April 2024)
There are numerous groups, mainly offering support and/or commiseration opportunities, but I don't think this group is still active. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Bet you didn't expect me to tackle this one, but then, life is full of surprises. Sheep are a metaphor for dullness, uniformity and the herd instinct. Yet there is something irresistible about a green pasture (sloped if possible) dotted with ewes and lambs, as you can see in the gallery. Not much on the discussion board, but it includes threads such as 'Rearing lambs', 'where do i get a sheep?' and 'Bathing sheep?' Wall posts include calls for advice on specific sheep-related issues and also speculation on their suitability as pets, along with plenty of enthusiasts singing their praises. Enjoy, if you like them, and, even if you don't, check out a few pictures of sheep grazing just to soothe your spirit.

What's great about this group: there's more to sheep than you think.

Update (18 April 2024)
I don't think this group still exists. There are numerous regional groups offering sheep for sale or sheep handlers for hire. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


For most of us, gender and identity are inevitably interwoven and we seldom spare a thought for those whose souls seem out of alignment with the bodies they were born to. If you can relate, take a moment to explore this group.

There isn't much activity on the discussion board, but typical threads include 'new tg online clothing store', 'Bill Maher equates crossing gender lines with insanity' and 'frustration'. There are over 80 photos in the gallery, mostly of members dressing up. On the wall, you will find links to other internet resources, such as shops, ezines, blogs, books and transgender communities.

What's great about this group: it's a resource for a fringe community.

A word of caution: If any gender option other than heterosexuality makes you queasy, then give this one a miss.

Update (25 October 2023)
This post was written over a decade ago, when transgender activism was far less prominent in mainstream community. There are, I suspect, now many more platforms for transgender persons and allies to connect and it is no longer the "fringe community" I called it 13 years ago. I am not sure if the group I profiled survived, but I've wondered whether they could know be called The Facebook Transgender Alliance. The group is over 15 years old, has 25,000 plus members and is now private. Go here to request access. 

Sunday, February 14, 2010


This seems to be an extremely useful group. Threads on the discussion board include 'Stretch your own shoes :)', 'Tire sandals.', 'Home-made External Hard Drive', 'Old House key crafts/art', 'Make your own hand creme' ,'Make your own martini' and 'Does anyone know how to deal with pigeon poo?!' The gallery showcases some completed projects. In wall posts, you will find links to useful websites, video tutorials and also advice on tools, etc. This is still a fairly small group (less than 1000 members), but it has great potential.

What's great about this group: there's lots of useful information.

Update (18 April 2024)
I'm not sure whether this group is still active, but it seems not.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I have been sorely tempted to feature one of those protest groups that inevitably mushroom into existence whenever Facebook adjusts its format, as their latest changes seem designed to thwart my attempts to continue to find new and unusual groups. As you may have discovered, it is no longer possible to simply browse for groups at random. By trial and error, though, I have discovered that you could still search for groups using a specific keyword. Here's how you do it. Go to and type in your keyword. However, in order to search for groups, you must then also click on 'groups' on the left hand of the screen.

As tomorrow is Valentine's and lots of people will be seeing too much chocolate, I might be forgiven for compromising a few diets with today's group. Threads on the discussion board include 'The most you've EVER eaten?', 'Which is ur fav. choc?????', 'Making chocolate at home' and 'Chocolate web sites'. On the information page, you will find links to various individual chocolate manufacturers. The gallery features very yummy pictures, including some of unusual chocolate sculptures.

What's great about this group: Share your sweet tooth.

Update (18 April 2024)
There is a large (103.7k members) group named Chocolate, which is still active, but seems to attract a large amount of spam, promotional or non-relevant posts. It does have the occasional chocolate post. Visit at your own risk. 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

If 65 Million People join, God will bring back the dinosaurs!

I can appreciate a little irreverence on occasion and the outrageous statement this group makes with its name gets to me. Firstly, are there even sixty-five million users on Facebook? (Sorry, I'm not up to date on the exact numbers). Secondly, can Facebook even support a group with that many users? Thirdly, will God listen to the dictates of a Facebook petition? One wonders. On the other hand, this past week a friend and I were speculating what fun and mayhem could result were one of our favorite bands to inflict their uniquely black humor to a number of non-humorous songs. We posted a thread on their group, and they replied that they were indeed thinking along those lines. One never knows. Back to the dinosaurs, though. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'Which dinosaur would you get as a pet?', 'Interesting information, facts you'd like to share about dinosaurs!', 'why extinction, where did they go?' and 'What if?' The gallery includes various cartoons poking fun and dinosaurs and extinctions and also more than a few featuring well-known religious images 'saurified'.

What's great about this group: The title pokes fun at all sorts of things, including Facebook groups.

A word of caution: Some images in the gallery may give offence to deeply religious people.

There are several Facebook Groups with similar names, but they are all tiny, with less than 30 members. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Venus Project

Some time ago, I featured the Facebook group of one South African who will attempt to live without money for five years. Today's Facebook group is for anyone who embraces the ideas of Jacque Fresco, who advocates a society that rejects the concept of money as a measurement of worth, focusing instead on the abundance of true resources. Threads on the discussion board include 'Problems, Implications, & Solutions', 'Could we all just move to a island and start the venus project?', 'sport & Venus Project', 'Will religion be banned?', 'Population Reduction', 'Errors with this project that lead to it failing' and, of course 'money'. There are also links to other resources. Even if you cannot imagine a world without money, the concept is still worth exploring.

What's great about this group: It makes you think.

Update (18 April 2024)
It's fourteen years later and we need something like the Venus Project more than ever. There are numerous regional groups for the Venus project, as well as one international group which is private. There are two small and mostly inactive groups that could possibly be the original group. They can be found here and here

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Syria in Pictures

The name says it all. This is another group that is a visual delight, show-casing more than 2,600 photographic images of Syria in the gallery. Included are snowy landscapes, flowers in spring, picturesque street scenes, cars, bicycles, horse-carts and children at play. Any place can be beautiful, if rendered through the eyes of those took pleasure in the time they spend there. Take the time to explore a wealth of breath-takingly beautiful images. The group also includes over 80 video clips. Most wall posts and much of the descriptions are in Arabic.

What's great about this group: The photographs are beautiful

Update (29 October 2023)
There is a private Facebook group called Pictures from Syria, which has about 74,000 members. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 reasons to GET OFF Facebook

Facebook addiction? If you show an interest in this blog of mine, then probably you do spend a considerable amount of time on Facebook. If you want to be reminded of what you are missing, check it out. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'You know you're addicted to facebook when...', '11th reason:', 'Before there was face book I......' and 'I'd add a few more'. In the gallery, you might find some cartoons and other images poking fun at Facebook addiction. Obviously, despite its intentions, the group is still 'behind enemy lines' so to speak.

What's great about this group: Take a few moments to reflect on what life was like before Facebook.

Update (22 April 2024)
The only group I could find with the same name (but different capitalization - so probably not the same group) has exactly one member. I suspect that this group no longer exists. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Some months ago, I featured a facebook group about awkward episodes. Today's group has a similar theme, but in this case, it uses the awkward turtle sign as identifying symbol. If you haven't heard of the 'awkward turtle' before, you can find images portraying this distinctive hand gesture by a variety of members in the gallery. You can also look out for a photograph of a completely different type of awkward turtle, one with two heads. On the discussion board, various 'awkward turtle' moments are shared in 'Awkward stories' and other threads include 'Different awkwards', 'Where does the Awkward Turtle originate from??', 'Variants of "Awkward Turtle"' and 'Other Awkward Animals...'

What's great about this group: Everybody has an awkward moment once in a while.

Update (22 April 2024)
There are so many groups named Awkward Turtle, I lost count at around 70. Most groups have single digit member figures. I think the largest had 62 members. 

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Join if you want to be part of the LARGEST PHOTO MOSAIC ON THE PLANET

It is not often that ordinary everyday people have the opportunity to become part of a work of art but if Tanya Lazic's face-of-millions photo mosaic, planned to be 10m by 10m or three storeys high, offers everyone the opportunity to upload their image and become part of history. To date, nearly 44,000 photos have been collected, which means that less than half the members of its associate facebook group, have, in fact contributed their image. In the gallery you can view photos of various sections of the mosaic. On the discussion board, related topics such as 'WHERE SHOULD IT BE PLACED? WHY THERE?', 'where i am on the pircture?', 'What does this project mean to you?' and '*LATEST NEWS*' are tackled.

What's great about this group: Stay up to date on how this project progresses.

Update (22 April 2024)
According to the Guinness Book of records, the largest photo mosaic was created in Chongqing, China on 28 September 2022, with the help of 70 volunteers. It was 25,856.32 ft² and consists of 50,000 photographs. A previous record of 21645.96 ft² was set at a convention center in Tampa, Florida, on 11 October 2012 - and the photos (over 176,750) were crowd-sourced. I cannot find the associated Facebook group, though.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Creative Memories - Go Digital

Scrapbooking is popular with many who want to personalize their memories in a creative way. With digital technology, there are even more options available in this medium. If you want to explore innovative new ways of showcasing your family members, presenting an event such as a wedding or a children's party for posterity or livening up old snapshots, check out the gallery, which has over 5800 images, for new ideas. Share tips and ideas on the discussion board which includes threads such as 'Creating Page Templates', 'Deleting pages', 'Recipe book', 'organizing CM freebies', 'Storybook design', 'Card template', 'Blinkies??' and 'Sharing Live Templates.... to do or not to do....' The group also hosts challenges to create pages around specific themes.

What's great about this group: share your creativity.

Updated - This group has gone private. It also has a notice that it will not accept any new members - 11 April 2024. 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Animal Cognition, the Emotional and Intellectual Lives of Animals

Do animals exist solely to serve the needs of humanity? Many people believe not, and various sources quoted by group members refer to the intelligence and integrity of animals, stories that are often juxtaposed with those of the cruel and inhumane treatment of animals, particularly those that represent a commodity. Threads on the discussion board include 'The human "omnivore" myth', 'Animal Rights: Is there a line?', 'The Inner World of Farm Animals', 'Hunting: Actually Good for Animals?' and 'WORLD MANIFESTATION FOR THE ANIMAL RIGHTS 2009'. The information page lists book and documentary sources that deal with animal intelligence and there are also various links to other internet resources in wall posts.

What's great about this group: Learn more about the fascinating creatures that share the planet with us.

A word of caution: There are images on the gallery that may be considered disturbing to some.

Update (22 April 2024)
There is still a group with this name, they are still active with daily posts and have 9.5k members. Go here to visit or join. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Anyone who has been following my blog for a while, might be familiar with a few of my distinct preferences. Unusual images is one. Head games of some description is another. So, not much surprise then, that I would eventually gravitate towards a group named 'Psychology'. Threads on the discussion board include 'Everyone is Crazy', 'What are the most important rules in your life?', 'Suicide', 'Free choice.', 'Controlling The adolescent state', 'Commitment Phobia', 'Daydreaming and Fantasy', 'Why don't humans care?' and 'Theories About Personality'. 'Carl Jung's Red Book: Even the Greats have inner struggles and what we can learn from this.' makes a particularly interesting topic.

What's great about this group: psychology concerns us all, whether we like it or not.

Update (22 April 2024)
There are several groups with the name Psychology and while it is impossible to tell whether any of them is connected to this group, the largest public one (72,2k members) can be found here and the most active one (9.7k members) can be found here

Monday, January 25, 2010

International High IQ Society

If you are looking for intelligent conversation, in face, if you are looking for a place where your intelligence will be fully appreciated for what it is, then take a closer look at the facebook group for the 'International High IQ Society'. Threads on the discussion board range from those that discuss the group such as 'What resources become open to you when you join?', 'Membership - too easy to get in??' and 'grooming intellectuals' to those that discuss the ups and downs of a high intellect such as 'Disadvantages of a high IQ', 'Inborn Intelligence Versus Acquired Intelligence', 'The Complete Guide To Genius' and 'Factual portion of the IQ test'. If you are interested in tackling topics of a more philosophical nature, you may be interested in 'What is God's Purpose?', 'Why have humans evolved emotions? Why has every society developed religions? Is there a useful connection?' and 'Eternal life is "unnatural?"' There are also a few purely scientific threads such as 'spacetime/time dilation,relativity impossibilities', 'Dark Matter and Virtual Particles' and 'Supraversal theorem of borderless space' and even challenging questions such as 'Can anyone tell me the next number in this sequence?'

What's great about this group: Challenge your mind.

Edit (25 October 2023)
While there are Facebook Groups with names that seem similar, they don't seem old enough to be this one. There is a Facebook Page Named International High IQ Society, which can be found here

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Equine Artists

Most little girls go through a phase of passionately loving all things horse. Some never outgrow it. If you cannot get enough of looking at the equine form, then feast your eyes on the images in this group.There are over 800 pictures in the gallery. Some of the art featured include works of line drawings, sculpture, ceramics, watercolors, sterling silver pendants, oils, pastels, graphite pencil, colored pencil, chalk on black card and even horse hair bracelets. Topics on the discussion board include 'Introductions', 'THE USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS IN CREATING ART', 'favourite artist' and 'Tips from artists to artists'. If you are an artist yourself, and include horses in your subject matter, this is a great place to showcase your work.

What's great about this group: It's a must for horse lovers.

Update (22 April 2024)
Most likely, it would be this group. The group was founded in 2007, has 4.3k members and is now private. Go here to request access.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Why do we dream? What is the meaning of dreams? If you are interested in exploring the above questions, you might want to look at today's featured group. It is not the only Facebook group by this name, and it is not even the largest, but it does feature the liveliest selection of content. Threads on the discussion board include 'Dream Travel', 'Lucid Dreaming', 'Only remembering fragments of dreams?', 'A little interpretation wanted' and 'Here's an odd one...' More dreams shared and discussed can be found in wall posts. There are not many images in the gallery, but
they include a wide variety ranging from line drawings to surrealistic art.

What's great about this group: explore the mystery of dreams.

Update (22 April 2024)
There are numerous groups themed around dreams and dream interpretation. It is difficult to tell whether any of them was this one. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Occasionally life has this way of totally startling you with unexpected and unexplained coincidences. Do these happen for a reason or are they merely the occasional fingerprints of a cosmic joker? If you want to share experiences or theories, this is a great group to visit. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'Share your Synchro Stories', 'Synchronicity and Evolution', 'Synchronicity... a defintion: competition 10.20.08 to 1.1.09', 'Jungian Dream Theory', 'Celestine Vision movie?' and 'The holographic universe'. The gallery also contains some interesting images.

What's great about this group: Share the mysterious coincidences of your life.

Update (22 April 2024)
There is more than one group named Synchronicity. Not sure if this is the one, but it seems cool and on topic.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pet Photo Contest

Think your pet is the cutest? Especially all dressed up in tinsel or posing in costume by the Halloween pumpkin? Well, here's where you can showcase your pets and put their irresistible charm to the test. Every month a different theme is chosen and you may submit one photograph that best captures how you (and your pet) interpret that theme. For ideas, browse around in the gallery to see other pet photos. Check out the information section to find out what's the current theme.

What's great about this group: Show off your pets.

Update - the group seems to be mostly inactive, but it is still public and there is a link here. - 11 April 2024

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Everybody is trying desperately to get seen and heard in the social media jungle. Who likes your latest wall post or status line? Who follows your blog? For some, it's only about popularity, but for anyone trying to promote a product, a service or merely themselves, visibility is crucial. And that is the main, and perhaps only, point to this group. An open, free-for-all solicitation for followers on Twitter. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'TWITTER CONTEST', 'Ten steps to becoming a Twitter power user with Hootsuite #1', 'Fully Custom Twitter Backgrounds!', 'Celebrities on Twitter' and 'Customize Your Twitter', but most topics are merely different phrasings of 'FOLLOW ME I FOLLOW YOU'. The gallery features a variety of images, most of them visual appeals for followers. So, if you are trying to up your follower-count on twitter, the group has 22,000 members to appeal to.

What's great about this group: It's a good place to shop around for followers on twitter.

Update (11 April 2024). It could possibly be this Facebook Group, which is still active and has 53.3k, members at the time of writing. It is still a public group. 

Saturday, January 16, 2010


They are the result of man's manipulation and mastery of nature, and yet they are also very, very fascinating - these tiny dwarfs that share the appearance, but not quite the size of some of Earth's true giants. If you want to know more about cultivating bonsai trees, then this Facebook group is a good place to explore. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'When to buy bonsais?', 'Tips for people starting to do bonsai, need your help', 'What bonsai style do you prefer?', 'Emergency Repotting', 'How can you tell how old your bonsai is?', 'ANY YOUNG BONSAI ENTHUSIASTS???', 'Making A Bonsai Tree In 5 Simple Steps?' and many more. There are over 1,500 images of bonsai trees in the gallery.

What's great about this group: It's a great resource for bonsai enthusiasts.

Update (22 April 2024)
There are at least half a dozen groups called Bonsai, and many more around the topic of Bonsai. 

Thursday, January 14, 2010


If outer space interests you, then this Facebook group, dedicated to Nasa and its concerns should provide you with plenty to explore. The group's information section proudly proclaims that one of their admins is a Nasa employee. On the discussion board, you will find threads dealing with subjects such as 'Can we live on other Planets???', 'WILL THE US EVER WALK ON THE MOON AGAIN?', 'Mars - A Second Earth?', 'UFO and Alien sightings', 'A new approach towards humans in space', 'Alpha centauri , is are there any planets ?' and many more. There are 70 links to Nasa related videos, more than 200 links to other resources and over 600 images of stars, planets, galaxies, nebula and many more in the gallery.

What's great about this group: It's a must for anyone with an interest in astronomy.

Update (22 April 2024)
There are numerous groups dedicated to NASA. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Green Architecture: How It Should Be

We are - like it or not - probably living in the time when the impact of the battle between nature and civilization will probably be most acutely felt. For the sake of our own survival, a truce will need to be declared. This group explores ways in which development can be attained without impeding upon the needs of life on earth. Threads on the discussion board include 'Green Architecture in the Building Code', 'Any ideas for a green airport??', 'Master of Sustainable Design', 'Solarpowervillage' and 'Bioneers Conference' to name but a few. You will also find plenty of links to events and internet resources about green development on the discussion board and in wall posts. There are over 500 images, featuring photographs, artist's impressions and scale models of fascinating and environmentally-friendly structures.

What's great about this group: educate yourself about how to make a difference.

There is a Facebook group with a similar name. The link can be found here

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I wanna travel the world.

It is a common enough ambition. There are those who devote a year of their lives to the persuit and have to manage it on a shoestring. Then there are those who get jobs first and travel the globe bit by bit during their vacation periods. A few lucky souls manage to score a job that includes travel allowances. If you've been around, join this group and share your travels. Threads on the discussion board include 'Where do you want to go?', 'Wich countries you been?' - where you can share the list of places you have visited - as well as various topics on individual cities or countries. In the gallery you will find more than 15,000 beautiful and unusual images from around the world. There are also links to over 300 video clips.

What's great about this group: Share your experiences and those of others.

Update (22 April 2024)
There are numerous tiny groups (one member) with this name, but possibly it could have been this group.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


The advent of digital cameras, cell phones and the photo-editing software such as Photoshop has added a whole new meaning to the concept of self portrait. With the aid of a mirror or an extra little screen, you can happily take amazing photographs of yourself and just delete the duds to make space for more. If you are ready to showcase yourself, check this group out. The theme is very simple. Images must be of 'Self by Self', i.e. the photographer is also the model. Although the group could see a bit more activity, it's got a great concept and there are definitely some creative and funny photographs to check out in the gallery.

What's great about this group: Get creative with your self-image in 2010

Update (22 April 2024)
I could not find a Facebook group with this name. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

the Official rules for the yellow car game

This is what parents around the world do to keep their bored offspring entertained during long road trips. Count a hundred of a certain color. Cars of a certain will give you bonus points. Etc. etc. Well here is a Facebook version of that old, old game, complete with rules posted in the information section, and plenty of extra suggestions for twists in the wall posts and on the discussion board in threads such as 'yellow bikes', 'Mini nip vs mini punch', 'Yellow car/mini, moving or not?', 'Is gold a shade of yellow?', 'What constitutes a 'car'?' and 'These Rules Arn't Right'. Do check out the gallery for images of some very unusual vehicles - all yellow, of course.

What's great about this group: Brighten up your traffic hassles with a bit of nonsense.

Update (22 April 2024)
It seems that this group still exists and it can be found here.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I hate it when I'm trying to concentrate and a Llama is looking at me slyly

I know someone who has a thing about Llamas and alpacas, and I can sort of see her point, because llamas ort of look like the teddy bears of herd animals - cute, huggable and sort of funny. Well, according to the members of this group, there is much much more to them than meets the eye. In fact, if you don't watch it, you will have a llama trying to meet your eye at the most inconvenient moment imaginable. There are only two threads on the discussion board and they don't seem to be accessible, but the wall posts are lots of fun and there are even a few llama photos in the gallery. So if there is a llama in your life, whom you are trying to avoid, you know where to go.

What's great about this group: The name alone gets you already.

Update (25 April 2024)
There are two groups with this name. The largest and most likely candidate can be found here.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I Swear To God, I'm Not On Drugs....I'm Just Naturally Like This

So you got photographed doing a few crazy things a few days ago. Climbing a tree, perhaps, or doing a happy dance in the mall? Perhaps staged an imaginary sword duel with your best friend? The more incredulous spectators the better. Probably they assumed you to be in the throes of some cheminal substance and walked off shaking their heads at the youth of today. Little did they know, that they were treated to a rare glimpse of the real unabashed one hundred percent spontaneous You in action. If you can relate, then take a closer look at today's group. You will feel right at home. Threads on the discussion board include 'What do you do that makes people think you're a stoner?', 'What is the stupidest thing that has ever made you laugh hysterically?', 'most random things to do when bored' and 'What would you do if you weren't afraid you'd get locked up for being certifiably crazy?' I hope this group inspires you to never lose touch with the child inside. And if a friend says, 'come play with me', don't hesitate.

What's great about this group: Make 2010 a fun year.

Update (25 April 2024)
This group does not seem to exist anymore. 

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Stupid things people ask you about Africa

Africa is reckoned to be the continent from which all humanity originated, and yet, it is most often also viewed as the continent left behind by modern development. Colonization briefly washed over it, before its inhabitants fell back to tribal strife and primitive superstition. At least, that is the perception. True or false? Is there an Africa perhaps that is not quite as bad as the news headlines and the rumors of fear mongers? Explore this group, and find out what Africans are saying about your ignorance of their world. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'Most funny/annoying thing ever asked!!!!!!', 'what is the dumbest thing someone has done after they find out your from africa?', 'Stereotypes about Africans', 'BEST REPLY U HAVE EVER GIVEN TO A STUPID QUESTION' and many more. There are well over 150 images of Africa in the gallery, many showing its beautiful landscapes and wildlife, a few to display road signs you will see nowhere else.

What's great about this group: smile and giggle if you are from Africa, cringe if you are not, but above all, inform yourself.

Update (25 October 2023)
This group does not seem to exist anymore.