Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Women of Star Trek (Le Donne di Star Trek) In Love Memory (2025) ...

 From Uhura to Michael Burnham. Deanna Troi's composure. The sexy but forbidding Seven of Nine. Captain's Archer's calculating, yet gorgeous Vulcan mentor T'Pol. The formidable Captain Janeway. Brainy B'Elanna - an engineer as combustible as dilithium and anti-matter. The infinite depths of former revolutionary, Major Kira. Not to mention Dr Beverley Crusher, tough-as-nails Tasha Yar, Nurse Capell, Deanna Troi, elfin Kes, Ensign Tilly, Jadzia and Ezri Dax, the relatably cautious Hoshi and so many more. Over almost six decades, the Star Trek has seen a wide spectrum of female characters, all memorable and unique, and here's where you can see them all. There's a vintage snapshot of the legendary Majel Barrett in her very first Star Trek appearance as Captain Pike's Number One. Former beauty queen Persis Khambatta. We also see the Star Trek ladies out of costume or in other non-related productions. What's really great is that this Facebook group does not only pay attention to the familiar ensemble faces that returned week after week to the screen. Notable guest stars are also celebrated for their role in bringing Star Trek to life, such as Suzie Plakson as Worf's lost sweetheart, K'Ehleyr and Rosalyn Landor as the feisty Bringloidi babe, Breena Odell. 

Members: 6.2k, at the time of writing.

Trigger Warnings: A few AI images. 

Go here to visit or join. 

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