Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The approach of 2012, an important point in the reckoning of the ancient Aztek/Mayan calendar, might be responsible for an escalation in spiritual activity in various corners of the globe. If you are on a path towards universal enlightenment, you will certainly find plenty to explore in this group. Threads on the discussion board range from 'Do you have physical symptoms of Earth Changes?' to 'What is the Crystalline Grid?' to 'Fairies, Orbs & Sprites?' to 'The Power of High Vibrations', to name but a few. Some posts include links to other sources on the Internet. If you are open-minded about the nature of perception, some discussions are truly fascinating. The group contains in its description links to various related facebook groups of a more regional nature. So, whether you are located in Canada, the Phillipines, South Africa, France, or USA, to name some of the locations included, you can use this group as a resource to connect with lightworkers in your area.

What's great about this group: It's a great networking tool for light workers.

A word of caution: If you think anything New Age is just airy-fairy nonsense, then avoid, avoid...

Click here to go directly to '♥ LIGHTWORKERS of THE WORLD ♥'

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic!! Thank you!
    Endless Love, Blessings & Joy to YOU!
    Are we on each others friends list on facebook? Come say hello please... www.facebook.com/shawnjason

    Shawn Jason
