Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hells Angels Supporter Club

Confession time yet again. Somewhere inside me lurks a sixteen year old girl who loved the look and sound of motorcycles and when I stumbled across this group, she got excited enough to pull me in. The group offers a truly fascinating view into the world of bikers in general and Hells Angels in particular. A considerable amount of discussion is for instance devoted to the ethics of whether it's okay to park a Japanese bike next to a Harley. Opinions are shared to the exploits of Jay Dobyns who chronicled his infiltration of a Hells Angels chapter, leading to the evalution by one knowledgable group member of several other books on bikers and Hells Angels. There are some of the expected threads such as 'Favourite kind of Bike', 'ANY ADVISE ON THE BEST WAY TO GET A HAWG OF MY OWN? BUILD OR BUY?' and 'A Biker's Prayer' and also various posts on biker and Hells Angels related news items. Some posts are about as gritty and as real and as hardcore as bikers get. I just hope they won't kill or break anything just because I had the gall to include them within the ranks of Facebooks most interesting groups.

What's great about this group: In my opinion the best facebook groups are those that open up a tiny window into a world not normally glimpsed by outsiders.

A word of caution: Do not try to fake your way in. They don't like posers.

Click here to go directly to 'Hells Angels Supporter Club'.

Friday, October 30, 2009


It is said that everyone has at least a book in them. Whether they get to write it, though, is another story, but as November is National Novel Writing Month, enthusiasm is hotting up for this year's stretch. The discussion board of the group is fairly active, with topics ranging from 'What is Your Novel's Title?' and 'How hard is it really to make it to 50,000 words?' to advice on 'Authoring Software' and 'Creation Sheets'. If you are a first-timer to the effort, you might want to check threads such as 'First Timer Reality Check', 'Where is the most inappropriate/unusual place you've NaNoed?' and 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.... How does your NaNoWriMo start?' to see how past NaNoWriMers have fared. There are plenty of threads about connecting with writers in different areas and even one about a 'National Drunken Writing Night 2009'.

What's great about this group: If you are a creative writer, join in the fun and see if you can meet the challenge of producing a novel in one month.

Click here to go directly to 'NaNoWriMo'.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I have in the past mostly avoided featuring groups that exist to promote certain products, groups, events or services. What interested me mainly, was how groups evolve spontaneously and develop a character and identity all of their own. The fact that many organizations and companies now use Facebook groups to promote their activities cannot be avoided, however and today's group might well serve as a good example of how to use a Facebook group to generate enthusiasm for a relatively niche interest event. The purpose of 'S.A. HORRORFEST' is to create awareness for an annual film festival devoted to classic horror movies which takes place in Cape Town, South Africa. The build-up to the festival, which begins two days before Halloween, includes a daily featurette by the organizers. There are links to interviews with participants, line-ups, details about specific films and sponsored prizes.

What's great about this group: It promotes a niche interest in a lively and informative manner.

Click here to go directly to 'S.A. HORRORFEST'.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Black and White Photography

To share beauty through the eyes of another, is always a rare and special thing. In the art of black and white photography, the dramatic effect of light and shadow is often enhanced, creating startling wonder in seemingly ordinary things. A woman's smile. Trees in a forest. An apple, a diamond ring, a mushroom or the underside of a bridge. If you love to feast your eyes regularly, then do afford yourself the time to be inspired by the 19,000 images in the gallery of this group. There are no discussions, but who needs only words to stimulate the mind? The wall features links to some other photographic resources.

What's great about this group: A wealth of thought-provoking images.

Click here to go directly to: 'Black and White Photography'.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Funny Inspirational Pictures that are in poor taste

Would the image of DaVinci's last supper with Jesus and the rest tucking into McDonalds offend you? That is just one example of the very creative, but very irreverent pictures that you will find in the gallery of this group. There are almost 5,000 posters and you might want to make sure you have the time to explore without missing any deadlines or appointments, because once you get started, gags get better the further you go. Nothing - neither religion nor race nor politics nor high profile media personalities - is sacred. The discussion board included threads such as 'How Offensive Is TOO Offensive?', 'Funny, Inspirational Jokes that are in Poor Taste' and, very importantly, if you are thinking of participating, 'Rules for Posting (New People - Read This)'.

What's great about this group: It offers some great visual humor.

A word of caution: To quote the group description 'IF YOU'RE OFFENDED - LEAVE!
DO NOT ruin it for the rest of us.'

Click here to go directly to 'Funny Inspirational Pictures that are in poor taste'.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hell Kittens

The concept of beauty means different things to different people. This group issues a direct challenge to alternative models to portray themselves at their hell kittenish best. Each week members may upload a photograph and the winner is the one whose picture attracts the most votes. Prize is a week as the group's cover girl and a place on the hall of fame, which includes each winning model dating back from . Photographers of the week's winning photograph also get a mention. It's lots of fun and while there aren't too many discussions, there is plenty of activity. Recently, the group has suffered a bit of a hiccup when format changes in Facebook's group formats forced them make a few hasty rearrangements, but they seem to have weathered the upheavels now.

What's great about this group: Enjoy the weeks images and vote for your favorite.

A word of caution: As the concept is to depict a hell kitten, photographs might be deemed disturbing to some.

Click here to go directly to 'Hell kittens'.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I was gonna do my housework then I ended up on facebook

Where oh where are the days when housewives had only addictions to daily soaps to worry about? Today, there is so much more to get stuck into. Amongst others, of course, there is Facebook. Allegedly, this is a support group for Facebook junkies, but it seems as if the purpose is not so much curing the addiction, as finding ways to cover up. Threads on the discussion board include 'Kids should be taught in school how to cook', 'Pile of ironing versus facebook', 'how long is the longest on facebook??' and 'Big Butt from sitting on it too much....' The gallery features some cartoons depicting the funny side of Facebooking. One wonders, though, whether the moms in this group actually tell their kids off for being on the Internet too long.

What's great about this group: Share your addiction to Facebook with kindred spirits.

Click here to go directly to 'I was gonna do my housework then I ended up on facebook'.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm Canadian And DON'T Live In An Igloo Nor Do I Ride Polar Bears To School

Stereotypes. Stereotypes. Where I'm from, we used to joke that ignorant foreigners think we have lions strolling through the main city streets and a diamond mine in the backyard. In my opinion, the statement that makes up the title of this group is considerably more hilarious. On the discussion board you will find threads such as 'Best City', 'What's your favourite Province?', 'Canadian Rock' and 'Canadian Winters'. A lot of the ignorance Canadians have to deal with, seem to generate with their neighbours just south of the border, as captured in topics such as '50 Things American's Should Know About Canada', 'funny stories about canadians going into the states' and 'What's the most outlandish thing you've ever convinced an American...regarding Canada of course'. The 700 plus photos in the gallery include amazing images including some breathtaking ones of ice sculptures.

What's great about this group: Get to know a little more about Canada and Canadians.

Click here to go directly to 'I'm Canadian And DON'T Live In An Igloo Nor Do I Ride Polar Bears To School'.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm Tired Of People Fucking Up My Name

One of the most special occurrences in the world is celebrating the birth of a new baby and with the mystery of gender all but eliminated by modern science, only one question remains. How will the parents name this brand new ambassador from the World Beyond this one? Some mommies and daddies exceed themselves in the creation of a unique gem of a name.

Then baby grows up, gets educated and enters the job market. Depending on just how creative the parents have been, baby may end up joining this Facebook group to give vent to a lifetime of fellow human beings not getting their beautiful name. Threads on the discussion board include 'STUPID RESPONSES YOU GET WHEN YOU TELL PEOPLE YOUR NAME', 'Spelling', 'Worst experience/embarrassing moment involving your name' and 'WHY DO THEY ALWAYS ADD A SYLLABLE???' It is sad in a way, that the 100,000 plus members of this group experience such frustration in instructing people in the proper use of their names, especially as some of them do have beautiful and very unique names.

What's great about this group: It vents the frustration experienced by people around the world who have been cursed with a more exotic name or surname.

Click here to go directly to 'I'm Tired Of People Fucking Up My Name'.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

All Simpsons Fans of the Facebook!

Dysfunctional but hilarious, the Simpsons have been a hugely popular phenomenon since they first appeared on the Tracey Ullman Show. The group description contains links to their myspace page, their twitter updates and also to a site where you can view episodes you missed. On the discussion board, where are threads debating 'What Is Most Stupidest Thing Homer Simpson Has Done', 'The Best Simpsons Quotes!', 'Favorite Celebrity Appearance' and also what is considered 'worst episode ever?' Over 500 images in the gallery depict the Simpsons at their best, and at their worst. There are also links to video clips.

What's great about this group: It celebrates the weirdly wonderful world of the Simpsons.

Click here to go directly to 'All Simpsons Fans of the Facebook!'

Is that an accent? Pardon me as I undress ...

Tastes differ, whether in clothing, music or accents. In this Facebook Group, the focus is on accents. There are threads for instance exploring the 'unsexiest accent?' and the 'Sexiest Accent' respectively. According to the thread 'who is ur fave accent having celebrity?' American actor Leonardo di Caprio's performance in the movie 'Blood Diamond' seems to have done quite a bit for the popularity of the South African accent. Otherwise British and Irish actors appear to rule the roost. One group member proposes an ' ACCENT DATING SERVICE' while another suggests an 'Awesome site for accents' which features an atlas of accents. A pearl of wisdom from yet another post states that whatever your own accent is, it will usually sound boring and regular to yourself.

What's great about this group: Explore the world by how its people speak...

Click here to go directly to 'Is that an accent? Pardon me as I undress ...'

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Guide bats for the clumsy

While one of my criteria for selecting groups to feature in my blog choosing groups that show regular and active participation, my attention is occasionally drawn to a group that is so startlingly original, it takes my breath away. It gains smallish membership, but then nothing further happens. This group is an example of what I am referring to. It seems like such a great original idea. I'd love to see it in practice. I'd love to see discussions on possible applications for the idea of guide bats and cartoons in the gallery depicting some of the humorous situations that might arise from this. Perhaps in a year or so, the group may suddenly take off. Perhaps not. Despite it being so tiny, despite it seeing virtually no activity, the group is worth a mention for the sheer originality of what it proposes.

What's great about the group: It's a great example of innovative thought

Update (29 October 2023)
This Facebook group does not exist anymore. 

I support interracial relationships!

One of the defining charactertics of Facebook is the way it brings people together, which is why it is wonderful to stumble upon a group dedicated to easing relationships between peoples normally separated by demographical barriers. In the description section, the group posts ground rules for participation, but also hosts a wealth of links to other Facebook Groups that support couples of more specific interracial mixes. The threads on the discussion board make fascinating reading. You can for instance comment on 'Why I Love Black Women' or 'Why I Love White Women'. Other topics of interest tackled include 'Books About Interracial Relationships', '10 Best/Worst Cities For Interracial Relationships', 'different native american tribes mixing', 'YouTube prejudice' and 'What Are The Biggest Lessons You've Learned?' and many more.

What's great about the group: It promotes interracial understanding and tolerance

Click here to go directly to 'I support interracial relationships!'

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poppy Field on Facebook

You may accuse me of having my dates mixed up, but as one thread on this group states, in reality, every day should be Remembrance Day. The group commemorates, as does Poppy Day, which is celebrated on the 11th of November, the end of World War One and remembers the fallen from both World Wars. The famous poem, penned by Major John McCrae is included in the group description and several threads, such as 'Remembrance and Wartime Poetry' and 'Poems that made me stop and think' also focus on war poetry. Individual casualties are named in the wall posts - there are over 800 - or featured in memorial gravesite photographs or black and white snapshots in the gallery. One thread, 'They died between the Armistice and the Cease-Fire...' links to a BBC article which lists American soldier, Henry Gunther, shot in the final minute before the ceasefire, as the last of the fallen.

What's great about this group: Spare a moment to reflect on the human side of history.

Click here to go directly to 'Poppy Field on Facebook'.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The approach of 2012, an important point in the reckoning of the ancient Aztek/Mayan calendar, might be responsible for an escalation in spiritual activity in various corners of the globe. If you are on a path towards universal enlightenment, you will certainly find plenty to explore in this group. Threads on the discussion board range from 'Do you have physical symptoms of Earth Changes?' to 'What is the Crystalline Grid?' to 'Fairies, Orbs & Sprites?' to 'The Power of High Vibrations', to name but a few. Some posts include links to other sources on the Internet. If you are open-minded about the nature of perception, some discussions are truly fascinating. The group contains in its description links to various related facebook groups of a more regional nature. So, whether you are located in Canada, the Phillipines, South Africa, France, or USA, to name some of the locations included, you can use this group as a resource to connect with lightworkers in your area.

What's great about this group: It's a great networking tool for light workers.

A word of caution: If you think anything New Age is just airy-fairy nonsense, then avoid, avoid...

Click here to go directly to '♥ LIGHTWORKERS of THE WORLD ♥'

Monday, October 12, 2009

My best friend and I have conversations that are impossible to understand

When people click and spend a lot of time in each other's company, they often develop a kind of verbal shorthand that quickly becomes totally incomprehensible to outsiders. If you can relate, and more than 100,000 people do, then join the fun and share the quirks and wisecracks of your special relationship with your best friend. In the thread ''if uve had a moment ly this, post the conversation!!' you can post examples. Other discussions on the board include 'The Best Topic that You and Your Best Friend Share?', Nicknames and Codenames', 'anyone else and their friend telopathic?', 'What's the one word you and your best friend say most often?' and 'Is there a movie that you and your best friend are always quoting?'

What's great about this group: It tries to capture those elements of friendship that are often difficult to relay in mere words.

Click here to go directly to 'My best friend and I have conversations that are impossible to understand'.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Petition to revoke the independence of the United States of America

If the creator of this group is to be believed, then Her Royal Highness Elizabeth the Second would like some real estate property returned to her, namely the whole of the United States of America. The statement has caused some outrage amongst inhabitants of the disputed region - many of which are featured gleefully in the groups description. There are over 200,000 messages posted on the group's wall. The discussion board features the usual thread games, but there are a few new twists, such as 'The person above you as involved in a conspiracy theory', 'The person above is the epitome of evil because...' and 'A pet peeve of the person above you'. Obviously, the tender issue of 'American football or Rugby?' is brought up and suggestions are also made concerning the '1st phase of British recolonization in America'.

What's great about this group: It twists history in a direction it will probably never go.

A word of caution: I suppose I better state that Americans venture here at their own risk.

Click here to go directly to 'Petition to revoke the independence of the United States of America'.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I pretend to text in awkward situations

As far as acceptable social props go, the cell phone definitely rules. If you're alone in a restaurant, waiting for friends or just commited some sort of faux pas, what better way to divert attention from your short-comings, than to pretend to be the brief custodian of some crucial bit of information than someone is dying to receive. Perhaps you can relate enough to join the group. In the basic description, over forty examples of such situations are listed with a request for group members to send in more of their own. While there are not that many threads on the discussion board, 'Ever got caught pretending to text? awkward!!' and 'Not only text messages, but noneexistent phone calls as well!' say it all. There is a thread requesting 'texting buddies ;D', as do a number of wall posts.

What's great about this group: It comes clean about a phenomenon of our times.

Click here to go directly to 'I pretend to text in awkward situations'.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Aaaaachoooo! Excuse me I'm just alergic to bullshit.

I have to admit that I had been wondering how long I could continue with this blog without succumbing to the urge to feature a group that utilizes one of those famous four-letter words in its title. The answer is, about one month. The sentiment expressed in the name of this group really made me laugh. For the most part, though, the discussion board focuses on human relations, particularly when they come undone. It is a great place to vent or rant, with threads such as 'What is the most convincing BULLSHIT u ever heard Ladies( Men if u dare)?', 'Tips on how to spot a cheating spouse' and 'Tired of hearing it's the guys fault for everthing.' There are occasional attempts to tackle something different, such as 'Is there a war between Science and Religion?' and 'Church Beliefs'.

What's great about this group: Mostly, its name.

A word of caution: Avoid, if you don't like to see too many of those four-letter words employed.

Click here to go directly to 'Aaaaachoooo! Excuse me I'm just alergic to bullshit.'

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A group for people who have a slightly unhealthy obsession with their cats.

The presence of pets inspire strong emotions in the lives of some people. Cats, specifically, for all their aloof manner, have been known to hijack the orderliness and sometimes temporarily, the sanity of their long-suffering owners. If the shoe fits, then this Facebook group is tailor-made for you. While friends and family may have heard your stories too many times already, you may share to heart's content in threads like 'Is your cat psychic?', '25 random things about your cat' and 'Do you nickname your cats?' For your feline's more eccentric behaviour, explore 'Water lovin' cats' and 'Weird food your cat shouldn't like, but does.' For the wider dilemmas of cat-ownership, you might also want to peek at 'Cats scratching the couch', 'behavior issue! Need Help!', 'what 'gifts' does your cat bring in from the garden?' or 'boyfriend or cat which would you choose if you had to?' You will probably find many more threads to identify with. There are also
links to over 140 video clips and more than 8,000 images in the gallery.

What's great about this group: If you are a cat lover, you will probably enjoy this group.

Click here to go directly to 'A group for people who have a slightly unhealthy obsession with their cats.'

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Real men have long hair

Adopting a certain lifestyle can have both advantages and disadvantages. As a fan of heavy metal music myself, I love the way tell at a glance that someone you've never met, shares your musical preferences from their hairstyle and what they are wearing. On the down side is the way people sometimes discriminate against others on grounds of appearance. This group makes a definite statement in support of anyone male with hair past their shoulders.

Some threads deal with haircare, such as 'What Shampoo Do You Use?' and 'ever exchanged hair tips with other guys in a metal club?' as well as opinions on hair color and how to get rid of tangles. 'Hair Length' and 'Hottest Artist with long hair....(any genre of music)' focus more on the aesthetics of hair culture, while 'Ever Been Mistaken For a Chick?' 'The Art of Headbanging' and 'What made you grow your hair? Do tell your story' explore the wider view. There are well over 1,500 images in the gallery and girls are welcome, so long as they subscribe to the viewpoint that guys with long hair are the best.

What's great about this group: Stand up and be counted, if you love your hair.

Click here to go directly to 'Real men have long hair'.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Gordon the Tramp

First of all, the main question must be, is he a tramp or not? According to various members of this group, Gordon the Tramp lives in a house like you and me. He has a website. He also has over 2000 Facebook friends and there are over 13,000 people in his Facebook group, which has seen coverage on Channel 4, the BBC, in the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph and the Sun, to name but a few. Members of this group refer to him as a 'tourist attraction' and a 'local treasure' while a thread discussing a suggestion for a bronze statue in Gordon's honour, shows an overwhelmingly positive response. A popular thread on the discussion board discusses 'Personalities Of Bournemouth' (which is Gordon's stomping ground) includes other characters of the area, such as 'Charlie Chaplin', 'Strumming Joe', 'Mad Stuart' and 'Bird Lady', to name but a few. News of Gordon's stroke and recovery also made it onto the discussion board. There are over a 180 images in the gallery and links to video clips featuring Gordon himself. So what is Gordon's charm? Why did this man's somewhat eccentric take on life win him such a devoted fan base?

What's great about this group: It celebrates the local flavor of a region, as personified by one of its better known inhabitants.

Update (25 October 2023)
The group does not seem to exist anymore, and it's difficult to tell whether Gordon himself is still alive. If so, he would be in his nineties by now. He has his own page on Wikipedia, which you can visit here

Sunday, October 4, 2009

If You Don't Know Where My Country Is, Buy an atlas...bitch!!

If you have ever had to explain to a fellow traveller where you are from and been faced with a blank look, you will love this group. While various groups on Facebook celebrate the idiosyncrasies of people who live in a specific region, or poke fun at stereotypes associated with specific nationalities, the true aim here seems to be the sharing of knowledge. Threads on the discussion board include 'When you hear " Saudi Arabia ", what comes to your mind ?', 'OMG Where's Located Colombia?', 'When someone mentions SINGAPORE, what comes to your mind?' and 'Dumbest thing anyone has ever asked you (2)'. Unfortunately, there is also a bit too much spam represented in the discussions. What makes this group well worth a visit, though, are the beautiful and truly unusual images in the gallery section uploaded from various corners of the globe.

What's great about this group: Be proud of the country you hail from, however obscure it may seem.

Click here to go directly to 'If You Don't Know Where My Country Is, Buy an atlas...bitch!!'

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Physics doesn't exist, its all gnomes

This is fun. I'm telling you. Take any theory of science you have had to learn through painstaking effort. String theory. Relativity theory. Chaos Theory. What about how things actually work? Digital cameras, for instance, or fireworks. And while we are at it, let us look at psychology and global warming. While we are at it, why stick to what is, when we could move on to what could be? Dark matter and time travel might well be possible in the near future. All we need to do, is to bring in the gnomes. Discussion on this group is centred mainly around what gnomes do for us, have done for us and could do for us. A sampling of threads include 'Gnomes in my bloodstream', 'black hole gnomonics', '', 'Eco-Gnome', 'Alcohol gnomes (hic) and their connection to food. All booze gnomes are the same' and The Universe is a Hologram...produced by G(n)omes?' If you think science is way too serious and stuffy, join the group's 66,000 plus members in the fun.

What's great about the group: It represents a fun alternative view of the world as we know it.

Click here to go directly to 'Physics doesn't exist, its all gnomes'.

Friday, October 2, 2009

You run up the stairs because you think something is gunna grab you!

Have you ever checked under the stairs, the bed or in the closet to see whether Chuckie, Freddy or Jason might be lurking in there to get you? Have you ever slept with the light on? Have you ever dreaded going to the bathroom in the middle of the night? If you said yes to any or all of the above (and who hasn't), you will be pleased to know that there is a Facebook group out there that has your number. Share your scary movie memories, your scary real life experiences and whatever silly superstition you might have clung to, once the lights went out. Threads on the discussion board - there are over 500 of them - include 'Whats the lamest thing that still scares you??', 'how do you imagine the monster below your bed physically is?', 'pool fears', 'Drain phobia' and, naturally 'Are you afraid of the dark?'

What's great about this group: Share your irrational fears with others.

A word of caution: Avoid, if you scare easily...

Click here to go directly to 'You run up the stairs because you think something is gunna grab you!'

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Read Banned Books

What do the books 'To kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee, 'Beloved' by Toni Morrison, 'Catch-22' by Joseph Heller, 'Gone with the Wind' by Margaret Mitchell and '1984' by George Orwell have in common? All of the above appear on a list by American Librarian's Association's list of books that have at one time been challenged or outright banned. Other books that have been considered suspect somewhere at some time include 'Charlotte's Web', 'Winnie the Pooh', and the 'Harry Potter' series. If you do not want authorities to dictate your reading for you, then I strongly urge you to show your support to the group 'Read Banned Books'. On the discussion board, you can comment on threads such as ' Top 100 Challenged Books', 'Fahrenheit 451 - Which book would you memorize?' or 'Harry Potter Ban'. Most importantly, you can show your support for Banned Books Week, which ends on Saturday 3 October.

What's great about this group: It mobilizes members to come to the defense of some outstanding books that are considered dangerous because they challenge our perceptions of the society we live in.

Update (25 October 2023)
There are several Facebook groups to highlight the importance of reading banned books, but I'm not sure whether this group survived.