This is the Facebook fan group for an initiative that began on Blogger and has since established a presence on twitter, myspace, youtube and of course Facebook. The initial challenge was to send in a postcard that displays a personal secret as a work of art, and various spinoffs seem to have gained a life of their own. The thead 'Text Confessions' invites you to post your details in order to send and receive secrets via the myspace page. 'I need to get this out' contains posts of confessions and also, touchingly, support. As one poster states, what 'postsecret' is truly about, is helping those who need it. In the gallery, postcards from the original blog are displayed.
Interestingly, the group's discussion board also contains some criticism of postsecret founder Frank Warren, for the fact that archive material is only available through his books. There is even an urban legend regarding the books, that some fans of the initiative have taken to slipping postcards with their own secrets into the books in bookshops, meaning that each buyer gets a unique surprise secret included. True or false? Hard to tell, but it is very intriguing.
What's great about the group: It shows humanity in all its heartbreakingly flawed beauty.
A word of caution: Give it a miss if your first instinct is to judge.
Click here to go directly to 'Post Secret'.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Generally, the media assaults us with gravity. Deaths. Politics. Power struggles. Sometimes, we need to let our hair down, and stop taking ourselves so seriously. If you've had enough of all the isms and dogmas that haunt our lives, this group opens the window on a little irreverence. There are over 900 discussions, ranging from 'Pastafarianism as an Official Religion' and 'The Holy Noodle' to 'Feel my "wrath", but enjoy my perfect meat ball...' A thread entitled ' The Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts' preaches a message of tolerance and as membership numbers touches on six digits, one thread speculates as to 'who will be the 100,000th member of this group', a riddle that remains unsolved thus far.
What's good about this group: A great place to visit, if you are in the mood for some irreverent fun.
A word of caution: You might get offended at some of the quasi-religious statements posted by members.
Click here to go directly to 'Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster'.
What's good about this group: A great place to visit, if you are in the mood for some irreverent fun.
A word of caution: You might get offended at some of the quasi-religious statements posted by members.
Click here to go directly to 'Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster'.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I'm from a small town you've never heard of
It's a question that comes up sooner or later when you get to know people. Where are you from? Great, obviously, if you can proudly mention a well known city with the world famous landmarks that appear on post cards and in glossy picture books. It becomes a little more complicated if you have to spell the name of your hometown three times, then explain where it is, and reluctantly have to admit that its main claim to fame is a talking cow. If you can relate, you might laugh at the 30 statements on the main page and you can share your experiences in threads such as 'So what is your small-town famous for???' or 'You might be from a REALLY small town if ...'
What's good about the group: No town is too small to get a mention in this Facebook group.
Click here to go directly to 'I'm from a small town you've never heard of'.
What's good about the group: No town is too small to get a mention in this Facebook group.
Click here to go directly to 'I'm from a small town you've never heard of'.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
In recent years, knitting has seen a huge revival of interest, with new innovations emerging and public knitting events being organized in various cities. This group, with over 4000 members, is an excellent forum to share your passion for stitchcraft with kindred spirits, ask for advice or find out who does what in your area. Threads on the discussion board include 'Best Brand of circular needles', 'Knitting Magazines?', 'Current Projects' - with well over a hundred posts to date - and 'Knitting Newbie - Need Help'. You can also check out the gallery to admire photographs of completed knitting by members or post your own achievements.
What's good about the group: It offers knitters worldwide a great opportunity to network.
A word of caution: Give it a miss, if you are not into handcraft.
Click here to go directly to 'Knitting'.
What's good about the group: It offers knitters worldwide a great opportunity to network.
A word of caution: Give it a miss, if you are not into handcraft.
Click here to go directly to 'Knitting'.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Furry Fandom
The furry subculture, for those unfamiliar with it, is basically a playing ground for those individuals who identify so deeply with the animal kingdom that they employ costumes and other forms of artistic expression to indulge in role-play that usually involves the creation of a specific animal persona. If you would like to know more, or get involved, then this group is a great starting resource and it features various links on the main page to more detailed forums. On the discussion board, you will find threads such as 'female furries?', 'What is your Fursona?' and 'Who is your favorite Disney Furcharacter?' Also worth exploring, are threads related to events and requests to hook up with furries in specific areas.
What's good about the group: If you are a furry, you will feel right at home.
A word of caution: If the furry lifestyle is a major turnoff, then give this group a miss.
Click here to go directly to 'Furry Fandom'.
What's good about the group: If you are a furry, you will feel right at home.
A word of caution: If the furry lifestyle is a major turnoff, then give this group a miss.
Click here to go directly to 'Furry Fandom'.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Addicted to World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is probably the most popular role playing game since computers first revolutionized the RPG scene. There are millions of players worldwide and each new expansion to the game causes great excitement. If you are addicted to World of Warcraft, then this is an excellent forum for sharing your experiences in threads like 'Your funniest moment while playing' and 'you know that you are addicted to WoW when...' For more serious debate, you can share your thoughts on 'Which side is better Horde or Alliance?' or 'The Future of WoW - Theories, Rumors, etc'. A thread entitled 'how many girls out there play. Post and give us your stats' has drawn 600 posts to date.
What's good about the group: If you're new to World of Warcraft or exploring new territory, so to speak, this is a great place to solicit advice from more experienced players.
Click here to go directly to 'Addicted to World of Warcraft'.
What's good about the group: If you're new to World of Warcraft or exploring new territory, so to speak, this is a great place to solicit advice from more experienced players.
Click here to go directly to 'Addicted to World of Warcraft'.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
So far, I have managed to avoid the feeding frenzy for vampires that the popularity of the Twilight books and subsequent movies have generated. But if you've caught a serious bout of Edward and Bella fever, then you will be able to identify very strongly with the sentiments expressed in this group. The front page contains a detailed cast list, release dates and also various links to websites, videos and fan pages related to the Twilight universe. Apart from threads, such as 'The Twilight Fictional Character Awards' and 'What would the person above be? Vampire, Werewolf or Mortal?', the discussion board also showcases a wealth of Twilight fanfiction stories in progress.
What's good about the group: It's a great place to share your thoughts, if you are a fan.
A word of caution: Avoid, if you can't relate to this latest vampire craze.
Click here to go directly to 'iTS A TWiLiGHT THiNG YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND'.
What's good about the group: It's a great place to share your thoughts, if you are a fan.
A word of caution: Avoid, if you can't relate to this latest vampire craze.
Click here to go directly to 'iTS A TWiLiGHT THiNG YOU WOULDNT UNDERSTAND'.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The lying down game
One interesting side effect of the internet in general and social networks in particular, is the way it has revolutionized the organization of events. Sometimes these tools birth phenomena that seem epic in their very pointlessness. Allow me to introduce you to the relatively harmless fun to be had in playing the lying down game, an Facebook inspired activity that has enjoyed media exposure on the BBC and in newspapers across the globe. It's very simple. Have yourself photographed lying down in a public place. This group's gallery has over 15,000 photographs in its gallery already, of members who did just that. Post news of your latest pictures on the wall. Or use the discussion board to network with other members in your area.
What's great about this group: It's harmless fun in a uniquely Facebook way.
A word of caution: Participation will involve sacrificing a little of your dignity. The group carries a disclaimer that members play the game at their own risk
Update (12 April 2024)
What's great about this group: It's harmless fun in a uniquely Facebook way.
A word of caution: Participation will involve sacrificing a little of your dignity. The group carries a disclaimer that members play the game at their own risk
Update (12 April 2024)
There are at least four groups that go by this name. The largest (and possibly the original) group seems to be this one, which has 1.1k, members.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Nursing makes me drink
You might not want to know of the existence of this group. If your mental image of a nurse is that of an angelic care-giver in a spotlessly clean uniform, you might find yourself firmly shaken out of your illusions with the very first peek at the discussion board. You might find yourself a little unnerved to learn that over 400 people have already commented on a debate entitled 'Which branch of nursing produces the best drinkers?' and you would definitely not want to know about a thread called 'Have you nearly killed a patient?' On the other hand, it might not be such a bad thing to be occasionally reminded that nurses are as human as the rest of us. The first post in a thread entitled 'This was written by a husband of a nurse (I just had to share it!!, enjoy)' offers a particularly valid reality check.
What's good about this group: Even nurses need to let down their hair once in a while.
A word of caution: You might not want to know more about the secret lives of nurses.
Update (12 April 2024)
What's good about this group: Even nurses need to let down their hair once in a while.
A word of caution: You might not want to know more about the secret lives of nurses.
Update (12 April 2024)
There are two groups that go by this name. The largest (587 members) can be found here.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
50 Things to Do While At a McDonald's Drive-Through
Is your inner brat alive and kicking? Then you should thoroughly enjoy this one.
When ordering fast food, most of us generally attempt to behave politely, gently try to dodge the upsale attempts and remind ourselves that the person at the other end of the counter is an underpaid human being who should be treated with respect.
Deep down, of course, an inner dialogue of sitcom wisecracks sizzle for air. This group makes a great platform for all that pent-up, frustrated comedy genius. The recent news section boasts 50 suggestions for bad behaviour, plus ten more submitted by members. On the discussion board, there is more in two threads entitled ' IDEA COMPETITION!' and 'Stuff that can be added to the list!'. If you're in the mood for a bit of silly story-telling, you can also investigate the 'Mcdonald Story Game'.
What's great about this group: It pokes fun at franchised fast food service, providing a relatively harmless outlet for frustrations related to that industry.
A word of caution: You need to be in touch with your inner child to fully appreciate this group.
Update (12 April 2024)
When ordering fast food, most of us generally attempt to behave politely, gently try to dodge the upsale attempts and remind ourselves that the person at the other end of the counter is an underpaid human being who should be treated with respect.
Deep down, of course, an inner dialogue of sitcom wisecracks sizzle for air. This group makes a great platform for all that pent-up, frustrated comedy genius. The recent news section boasts 50 suggestions for bad behaviour, plus ten more submitted by members. On the discussion board, there is more in two threads entitled ' IDEA COMPETITION!' and 'Stuff that can be added to the list!'. If you're in the mood for a bit of silly story-telling, you can also investigate the 'Mcdonald Story Game'.
What's great about this group: It pokes fun at franchised fast food service, providing a relatively harmless outlet for frustrations related to that industry.
A word of caution: You need to be in touch with your inner child to fully appreciate this group.
Update (12 April 2024)
There are two groups that go by this name - one public (2 members) and one private (4 members)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Chuck Norris Facts
Some of my friends hate Chuck Norris. I would not particularly call myself one of his fans. But the Chuck Norris facts that make their way into wall posts, trick photos and joke emails can cause anyone to involuntarily laugh out loud regardless. They are just too outragious. The 'basic info' section of this group contains no less than 510 'facts' and a thread entitled 'we need new CHUCK NORRIS FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!! place new unheard of facts' has seen over 1000 posts, although some new facts seem to be little more than a rearrangement of an older fact. There is even a link to an application that generates Chuck Norris facts.
What's good about the group: It is relentlessly funny.
A word of caution: Avoid if the mere mention of Chuck Norris' name causes you to break out in a rash. Also, some of the 'facts' are quite crude.
Update (29 October 2023)
What's good about the group: It is relentlessly funny.
A word of caution: Avoid if the mere mention of Chuck Norris' name causes you to break out in a rash. Also, some of the 'facts' are quite crude.
Update (29 October 2023)
As expected, there are numerous Facebook groups and pages dedicated to the legend of Chuck Norris. including CHUCK NORRIS FACTS, Chuck Norris Jokes & Facts, Chuck Norris Memes and Jokes, Chuck Norris Jokes (a private group) and Chuck Norris simply the Legend - the Fan Group.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Awkward moments define my life
We've all been there - that life-defining moment when you find yourself in the wrong place, at the wrong time and with the wrongest words imaginable having just escaped your lips. Once the embarrassment clears and you've made the necessary apologies, the incident(s) can make brilliantly hilarious stories, as this Facebook group, with nearly 250,000 members, clearly illustrates. You can share your own awkward moments in threads such as 'Awkward injuries', 'Talking in your sleep', 'what about bathrooms, and the awkward mom moments' and 'uhm... OOPS!!!'
What's good about this group: It is fun and funny. Plain and simply.
A word of caution: Your friends might read your posts and wish you (or they) didn't.
Update (29 October 2023)
What's good about this group: It is fun and funny. Plain and simply.
A word of caution: Your friends might read your posts and wish you (or they) didn't.
Update (29 October 2023)
There is still a group called Awkward Moments Define My Life. Go here to visit or join.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
To some people, a car is nothing more than what gets you from A to B. To others, the challenge of coaxing exceptional performance from a vehicle designed for ordinary road use, can be raised to a form of art. The sport of drifting, which originated in Japan, involves a technique of controlled oversteering where the rear slip angle exceeds the front slip angle. If you are interested in learning more about drifting, this facebook group is worth a glance.
Although there isn't that much activity on the discussion board, more than 700 photos are uploaded to the group, and various wall posts feature links to videos. Some threads, such as 'Top 3 Mistakes Beginner Drifters Make' and 'Best Drifting Car of All time?' might be worth checking out anyway.
What is good about the group: It connects the enthusiasts of a relatively obscure sport and enables them to share experiences and advice.
Update (29 October 2023)
Although there isn't that much activity on the discussion board, more than 700 photos are uploaded to the group, and various wall posts feature links to videos. Some threads, such as 'Top 3 Mistakes Beginner Drifters Make' and 'Best Drifting Car of All time?' might be worth checking out anyway.
What is good about the group: It connects the enthusiasts of a relatively obscure sport and enables them to share experiences and advice.
Update (29 October 2023)
While I couldn't find a group called Drifting, there are other groups dedicated to drifting such as Drift is Life and All Things Drifting.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The genre now referred to as steampunk may have existed long before its label was termed. Per definition, steampunk includes any fantasy or science fiction setting where steampower still plays a major role, but many fans of steampunk name long-dead authors such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells among their favorites. The group features such fun threads as 'Your Steampunk Alter ego's' and 'Steampunk Slang', but also offers opportunities for enthusiasts to hook up with steampunkers and steampunk events in their area.
What's good about this group: It's a good place to visit if you've caught the steampunk bug or would like to find out what the fuss is all about.
Update (29 October 2023)
What's good about this group: It's a good place to visit if you've caught the steampunk bug or would like to find out what the fuss is all about.
Update (29 October 2023)
This Facebook group still exists and shares awesome content - mainly gadgets and gear. Go here to visit or join.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Reading is Sexy
If friends and family do not quite understand why you spend most of your time with your face buried between the covers of a book, rest assured, the 79,000 plus members of this group know exactly how you feel. There are well over a thousand threads on the groups very active discussion board, which ranges from 'Book you're reading right now' and 'Favorite Book No One Knows About' to 'What character have you been dismayed to relate to?'.
What's good about the group: If you love books and reading, you will feel right at home.
A word of caution: If you're not that much of a reader, you might find yourself a little out of your depth.
(Update: 29 October 2023)
What's good about the group: If you love books and reading, you will feel right at home.
A word of caution: If you're not that much of a reader, you might find yourself a little out of your depth.
(Update: 29 October 2023)
There is still a Facebook group called Reading is Sexy. Go here to visit or join.
Aaron Sorkin and the Facebook Movie
About a year ago, it was announced that screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, creator of (amongst others) 'West Wing' was planning a motion picture script on the subject of Facebook. He founded this group as part of his research initiative for the project and has been using it as a forum to chat to members ever since. A thread Sorkin started entitled 'Questions for me' has seen more than 12,900 posts to date. Most of the discussion, though, focuses on Sorkin's career, rather than suggestions for the Facebook movie.
More recent news on the movie is the appointment of David Fincher as director.
What's good about this group: If, for any reason, you have something to say to Aaron Sorkin, here's your opportunity to do it.
Update (29 October 2023)
More recent news on the movie is the appointment of David Fincher as director.
What's good about this group: If, for any reason, you have something to say to Aaron Sorkin, here's your opportunity to do it.
Update (29 October 2023)
This Facebook group no longer exists, which is hardly surprising, since the movie in question (The Social Network) came out in 2010.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Hardest Part of a Zombie Apocalypse Will be Pretending I'm Not Excited
Zombies appear to be making some sort of comeback in popular culture. There are various new zombie zines and movies out or eminent. If this group, over 72,000 members strong, is anything to go by, a ready market exists to devour these. The discussion board is quite active, featuring threads such as 'mission essential equipment list', 'The zombie survival guide' and 'What would you say to a zombie before you put a bullet in his head?'. In debate about who group members would most like to see fed to the zombies, independent film maker Michael Moore and actor Tom Cruise are popular choices.
What's good about this group: It's really great to fantisize in gory detail about something that will most probably never happen. A must for horror fans.
A word of caution: If you hate B-movies, you probably won't enjoy the group either.
Update (29 October 2023)
What's good about this group: It's really great to fantisize in gory detail about something that will most probably never happen. A must for horror fans.
A word of caution: If you hate B-movies, you probably won't enjoy the group either.
Update (29 October 2023)
There is a Facebook page with the same name, which has 1,100 followers and can be found here.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A Glass of Wine Solves Everything
I have to confess that I don't drink wine. It gives me a headache, especially red wine. Having gotten that off my chest, this group really manages to bring home to me how much I am missing out on. With over 170,000 members and more than 700 threads on the discussion board, it is a fairly lively group. One particularly active thread, 'What are you drinking right now?' boasts 600 plus posts already, and if you're on a budget, you might want to look at the 'Cheap but good' recommendations. If you're feeling adventurous, you could cast your eye to 'lesser known varietals'. In an older thread, 'Which country makes the best wines and why?' the merits of wines from France, Italy, Australia, South Africa and many more are debated.
What's good about this group: There is a lot of information-sharing, many recommendations and the enthusiasm is truly contagious.
Update (29 October 2023)
What's good about this group: There is a lot of information-sharing, many recommendations and the enthusiasm is truly contagious.
Update (29 October 2023)
This Facebook group does not exist anymore.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Trivia can be irresistible fun and just about everybody knows something worth sharing.
For example, would you like to know why Donald Duck is banned in Finland? Or in what musical key a toilet flushes? Or who first coined the word 'nerd'? Or what barophobia is? Or which world leader was born in the ladies room or which Hollywood actress had six toes on her left foot? Or which famous painter invented scissors?
What is good about this group: It is quite literally a mine of random bits of information and can keep anyone occupied for ages.
A word of caution: Some random facts are a little on the raunchy side. Avoid if you are easily offended.
Update (29 October 2023)
For example, would you like to know why Donald Duck is banned in Finland? Or in what musical key a toilet flushes? Or who first coined the word 'nerd'? Or what barophobia is? Or which world leader was born in the ladies room or which Hollywood actress had six toes on her left foot? Or which famous painter invented scissors?
What is good about this group: It is quite literally a mine of random bits of information and can keep anyone occupied for ages.
A word of caution: Some random facts are a little on the raunchy side. Avoid if you are easily offended.
Update (29 October 2023)
No Facebook group remaining with this name, but there are numerous new Facebook groups dedicated to random, interesting fun facts.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
nutella is SEX in a jar
We all have guilty pleasures. Some are more embarrassing to admit than others. If you're a chocoholic given to secretly spooning out whole jars of Ferraro Rocher's Nutella in one sitting, rest assured - you are not alone. In fact there are more than 4,500 Facebook users willing to publicly declare that they share your addiction. The 356 wall posts (at last count) are particularly telling.
What's good about this group: Share your own outrageous claims about the popular chocolate spread. Confess your binges. Join in the fun.
A word of caution: Avoid at all costs if you are trying to diet or fast.
Update (28 October 2023)
What's good about this group: Share your own outrageous claims about the popular chocolate spread. Confess your binges. Join in the fun.
A word of caution: Avoid at all costs if you are trying to diet or fast.
Update (28 October 2023)
This Facebook group does not seem to exist anymore.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Who stole my reply button?
Once in a while Facebook makes a few adjustments. Something gets added. Something else gets taken away. Inevitably some Facebook users are unhappy because their favorite button or feature is no longer available. In this case, the missing ingredient is the REPLY button that group members use to indicate that their response targets a specific post made by another member. As a result over 3000 Facebook users have already joined this group to indicate their displeasure.
What's good about the group: Here's your chance show the big bosses at Facebook how you feel. Occasionally, they even pay attention. Notably a group founded to remove the 'is' from status lines can be taken as an example of this.
Update (28 October 2023)
What's good about the group: Here's your chance show the big bosses at Facebook how you feel. Occasionally, they even pay attention. Notably a group founded to remove the 'is' from status lines can be taken as an example of this.
Update (28 October 2023)
This Facebook group does not seem to exist anymore.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
When I was your age, Pluto was a planet.
This was the Facebook group that first illustrated to me how much fun you can have in a large and very active group. Founded as a tongue-in-cheek statement regarding Pluto's demotion from planetary status, the group now has well over a million and a half members. It features a variety of fun threads such as 'Last one to post here wins!!!! (for pluto)', an irresistible, but impossible challenge, 'The Wrong Answer Game', 'Corrupt-a-wish' and 'Describe the person above you in one word'.
Who will love it: If you're home alone, depressed or just plain bored, you can enjoy hours of light-hearted silliness with complete strangers. Some may even enjoy your company enough to befriend you.
A word of caution: This group can be highly addictive.
Update (29 October 2023)
Who will love it: If you're home alone, depressed or just plain bored, you can enjoy hours of light-hearted silliness with complete strangers. Some may even enjoy your company enough to befriend you.
A word of caution: This group can be highly addictive.
Update (29 October 2023)
Although the group is still alive after all these years, it is not very active these days. Which is such a pity. Back in the day, this Facebook group could provide hours of random fun. Go here to visit or join.
Introduction - what is facebook group of the day?
I have a confession to make. Soon after joining Facebook in 2007, I pretty much fell in love with the idea of its groups features. Perhaps it was because my wonderfully eccentric and inventive friends were creating or joining something new on a daily basis. It seemed to me like the virtual equivalent of an extended club crawl and a visit to the mall all rolled into one.
The idea of this blog is to celebrate the ongoing creation of these little (and not so little) roadside attractions along the superhighway of the social media website we know and love as Facebook.
The idea of this blog is to celebrate the ongoing creation of these little (and not so little) roadside attractions along the superhighway of the social media website we know and love as Facebook.
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