Monday, May 20, 2024

Beautiful Mountains

Calling all hikers and nature lovers. The great outdoors doesn't get any greater than a mountain (or two), but what makes mountains great are not only their physical nature, but also the iconic status they occupy in the consciousness of those who reside in their shadow. The presence and stature of a mountain offers a unique way to orient, a protective barrier and a focus for weather systems. But most of all mountains are easy on the eye. Reassuring. Mountains are the backbone of the planet and, as such, they remain some of the most mysterious places to be found, hiding unique features, caves, ruins and holy places. Most posts share the name and location of the featured mountain. You will see mountains from Canada, New Zealand, South America, and Switzerland (of course!). 

Members: 601.8k, at the time of writing

Trigger Warnings: AI-generated images. Not enough (in my opinion) to be problematic, but in a group like this, there would be an expectation to see mountains that actually exist. 

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Pen and Ink Drawings

There is something relentless and unforgiving about the use of line in art. Lines are not soft, although they can soften, given the right degree of contact. Lines can be precise, delicate or severe, but a gentle wash of ink can modify. These are my thoughts as I am admiring the skill and character of each of the studies posted in this Facebook group. Ink can be used for quick impressions, or to execute detailed portrait or landscape studies. There are even startlingly well rendered subjects done in nothing other than blue ballpoint pens. While the vast majority of works are of landscapes or cities, there are also still lifes, portraits, and even imagined imagery. 

Members: 12.3k, at the time of writing

Trigger warnings: None

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Assateague Island Pony Pictures

The Assateague Island off the east coast of America is world famous for its herds of feral ponies that were immortalized in the much-loved children's book Misty of Chincoteague written by Marguerite Henry and published almost eighty years ago. This barrier island comprises of several national parks - the Assateague Island National Seashore and Assateague State Park on the Maryland side and the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on the Virginia side, and the topic of whether the feral equines of the island should be named Assateugue horses or Chincoteague ponies is a matter of debate, but this Facebook group is more interested in sharing the photographs of visitors and residents to the island. The cute foals, of course take center stage, but there are also photographs of adult horses interacting. According to legend, the horses of Assateague are descended from a shipment of Spanish horses that were shipwrecked here. If you love horses, you would really enjoy this space. I did.

Members 60.5k, at the time of writing

Trigger warnings: None 

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sketch in Travel

The discovery of this Facebook group made me smile the moment I realized what it was about, because it combines two of my favorite themes - art and places. If you haven't figured it out (it's pretty easy), it's about sharing the quick sketches you make about the places you visit in your travels. As I'm looking through all these charming pieces of artful expression, it occurs to me, that this used to be an integral part of travelling, in an era before photographs and cameras became ubiquitous and it's really, really wonderful to realize that in some small way, it is still a thing. See sketches from Tokyo, Krakow, Egypt, Lisbon, Paris, Arizona, New York, Thailand, India, Madagascar, Prague, Wales and Birmingham. 

Members 16.5k members, at the time of writing

Trigger Warnings: None.

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