Thursday, October 28, 2010

Steampunk Fashion

The advent of steampunk literature quickly gave rise to a related style explosion involving a reinvention of the past, with plenty of creative new twists and turns. The information section gives a detailed definition regarding the origins and meaning of steampunk subculture. On the wall, you will find links to steampunk conventions, steampunk balls, items for sale and even on casting call for steampunks to appear as extras on an episode of 'Castle'. Threads on the discussion board include 'What is Steampunk Fashion to you?', 'A great site for clothing', 'making your own clothes...' and 'If you had a Steampunk wedding, what would it look like?'. There are over 300 images in the gallery.

What's great about this group: Connect with other enthusiasts of steampunk culture.

Update (28 October 2023)
The good news is that there is still a Facebook group for steampunk fashion and their content is gorgeous and intriguing. The group has about 15,800 members. Go here to visit or join. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

We Love Horror Movies

With Halloween coming up, time is ripe to explore a great resource for horror movies. Threads on the discussion board include 'The Worst Horror Movies Ever', 'Who is your favorite villian or slasher in the last 10 years?', 'Urban Legends Do You Believe?', 'The Future of American Horror', 'NAME YOUR FAVOURITE HORROR MOVIE TAGLINE', 'stupidest scene youve ever seen in a horror film', 'Top 10 based on true story horrors', 'WHAT'S THE GREATEST DEATH SCENE IN HORROR MOVIES', 'name your favourite horror movie quote', 'Favorite Horror Actors/Actresses' and many more. Also check out the various topics that share trivia from the making of certain horror classics as well as regular updates in the field of horror. There are over 1000 links in wall posts and almost 1500 images in the gallery

What's great about this group: It really aspires to inform on the subject of horror movies.

Update (28 October 2023)
There is a Facebook group called We Love Horror Movies, which has about 49,800 members. It is unlikely to be the one profiled here, though, because the group was only created in 2014. It is a private community, but you can go here to request access. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010


If you like eye candy, which I do, feast your eyes on thousands of images showing people with beautiful and amazing hair. There are over 4000 pictures in the gallery. Some photos show absolutely unique dye effects or creative braiding and other artful manipulations. My only complaint is, why so conservative on the male side? Where are all those beautiful Goth & Emo boys (not to mention the metal heads) with their wonderful hair? Okay, I did find a few eventually, but women's styles dominate.There are also over 100 links to hair related resources on the internet.

What's great about this group: Explore the many possibilities of what you can do with your hair.

Update (28 October 2023)
I could not conclusively link this Facebook group to any of those currently focused on hair design.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wild Food

With budgets getting tighter and tigher, the option of exploring nature's bounty might be worth a mention. This group, which is UK-based, informs on what is available when for foraging. Threads on the discussion board include 'spruce beer', 'Birch sap Wine', 'October Foraging 2009', 'Sweet Chestnut', 'April Foraging 2010' and more. There are links to video resources and photos in the gallery depicting edible plants.

What's great about this group: Get in tune with nature.

Update (28 October 2023)
While I'm not sure that the Facebook group I discovered is conclusively linked to the group I profiled 13 years ago, they do post content on foraging. There are 13,900 members. Go here to visit or join. 

Monday, October 18, 2010


As a reader and writer of fantasy fiction, I have always been interested in swords. If you share my sentiments, this group is worth checking out. Threads on the discussion board include 'Sword quotes', 'Swords Vs. Zombies', 'Authenticity of Swords', 'damascus vs carbon steel', 'Swords or Guns for war?' and 'swords for sell'. On the wall you will find links to other internet resources, posts of sword related activities and more. There are almost 200 images in the gallery, of Japanese katanas, Persian sabres, a Scottish claymore, scimitars, cutlasses and many more.

What's great about this group: share a love for swords

Update (28 October 2023)
There are several Facebook groups dedicated to sword collection, but the oldest of these is from 2013. All are private groups. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quilt Guild

Aren't I a strange child? In my neck of the woods (the southern hemisphere) , the days are getting warmer and I want to look at quilts? So I did. There are over 1200 images in the gallery of quilts, some of them very colorful and highly creative.  Plenty of action on the discussion board too. There is more activity on the discussion board. Threads include 'Block swap anyone?', 'Quilting Magazines & Blogs', 'New Quilt Designs', 'Calendar Quilt', 'Quilt Retreat Ideas needed', 'Block of the Month', 'Tshirt quilts?' and many, many more.There are 95 links to check out - some spam, but other's leading to further internet resources. Enjoy!

What's great about this group: If quilting is your passion, this group would make a wonderful resource for tips and ideas.

Update (26 October 2023)
While I could not find an updated link for this group, there are numerous quilting Facebook groups, many of them with regional affiliations. 

Friday, October 8, 2010


Everything that has already happened, any time from about five minutes ago, is history, but only time will tell what reaches the archives. Threads on the discussion board include 'Favorite era in history', 'history mystery', 'History women - Most memorable ?', 'a good book', 'Favorite Founding Father?', 'Lost Roanoke colony' and '96 years ago today'. If you'd rather see history than read about it, there are some great recommendations in 'Top 5 History Movies'. There are lots of links to other internet resources in wall posts. The gallery has less than 100 images, but there are some fascinating ones, including school pictures of Barack Obama and stills from a 1935 film, called 'Sanders of the River' in which a penniless Jomo Kenyatta acted decades before he was to become first prime minister and later president of an independent Kenya.

What's great about this group: Explore the non-boring side of history.

Update (28 October 2023)
While there are numerous awesome history groups, I could not conclusively link any of them to the Facebook group profiled here.